TM 10-6640-216-13&P4-22. REMOVE/INSTALL BLACKOUT MICROSWITCH.This task covers:a. Removalb. Adjustmentc. InstallationINITIAL SET-UPTools ReaquiredGeneral Mechanics Tool Kit, Appendix B, Item 1General Safetv InstructionsWARNINGELECTRICAL SHOCKBefore performing any maintenance actions on electrical equipmentensure all electrical power has been turned off. Death or seriousinjury may occur from failure to do this.REMOVALRemove blackout microswitch. See figure 4-14.a.Open circuit breaker CB17 located in the panelboard assembly.b.Verify all laboratory lighting is off to indicate power has been removed frommicroswitch.c.Remove conduit connector from microswitch.d.Remove two mounting screws and remove microswitch from rear wall.e.Remove two cover plate screws and remove cover plate.f.Loosen three terminal screws. Tag and disconnect wires from microswitch.ADJUSTMENTAdjust blackout microswitch. See figure 4-14.a.Verify that switch is activated when laboratory door is closed. If not, proceed to step b.b.Loosen adjustable nut and move arm until closing laboratory door activates switchINSTALLATIONInstall blackout microswitch. See figure 4-14.a.Connect wires to microswitch and tighten three terminal screws.b.Install two cover plate screws.4-55
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