TM 1-8415-216-12&P
a. Fastening/adjusting chinstrap
(Figure 2-9).
ALWAYS wear the helmet with the chin-
strap properly attached and adjusted. Fail-
ure to secure the chinstrap will decrease
helmet stability and may cause injury to
the wearer.
1. Fasten the chinstrap by inserting
the strap through both D-rings,
separating the rings, passing the
strap over the outer ring (1), and in-
serting the strap back through the
inner D-ring(2).
2. To tighten the chinstrap, pull on
end (3) to attain the desired fit.
Tightening the chinstrap will also
tighten the earcup fit.
3. To loosen the chinstrap, rotate the
outer D-ring up and to the left by
pulling on the two tabs of the outer
D-ring. Push the strap through the
inner D-ring toward the left as
needed to loosen or disengage the
strap. Pull the section of the strap
under the chin to the right.
b. Adjusting nape strap (Figure 2-10).
1. Adjust the nape strap pad (1) posi-
tion using nape strap pull-tabs (2).
Tighten by grasping the two tabs,
pulling to the back, and then pulling
from side-to-side until snug.
When the nape strap
both nape straps will be the same length.
ad is centered,
2.To loosen the nape, flip buckles (3)
towards the center of the nape
strap pad. Straps will slide through
buckles easily.
Figure 2-9. Correctly Fastened Chinstrap
Figure 2-10. Nape Strap Adjustment