TM 1-1510-225-MTF
a MKR BCN sensitivity
switch (audio control
panel) - HI.
b Fly toward marker beacon
station. When marker bea-
con indicator light illumi-
n a t e s a n d a u d i o t o n e
sounds, set sensitivity
switch to LO. Observe that
marker beacon indicator
light and audio tone cease.
c Continue to fly toward sta-
tion. Verify that marker
beacon indicator light
again illuminates and
audio tone sounds.
10. TACAN - Check as follows:
(a) NAV 2 AUDIO monitor switch
(audio control panel) - On.
(b) Frequency selectors (TACAN
control panel) - Set test fre-
(c) Volume control (NAV/TAC con-
trol panel) - As required.
(1) NAV pushbutton selector
switch (EFIS control panel) -
Depress to select TCN naviga-
tion source annunciator on
respective EHSI .
(d) Fly directly toward a TACAN
station of known direction and
near enough to provide a reliable
(e) Set direction to station on course
indicator (EHSI) using remote
course knob (pedestal extension).