TM 1-1510-225-10
2-39. TRIM TABS.
Trim tabs are provided for all flight-control
surfaces. These tabs are manually actuated, and
jackscrew actuator system, except the right aileron
tab, which is of the fixed, pliable type. Elevator and
aileron trim tabs incorporate neutral, non-servo action,
i.e., as the elevators or ailerons are displaced from the
neutral position, the trim tab maintains an as-adjusted
position. The rudder trim tab incorporates anti-servo
action, i.e., as the rudder is displaced from the neutral
position, the trim tab moves in the same direction as
the control surface. This action increases control
pressure as the rudder is deflected from the neutral
a. Elevator Trim Tab Control. The elevator-
trim tab control wheel, placarded PITCH TRIM DN /
UP, is located on the left side of the control pedestal
and controls a trim tab on each elevator. A position
arrow indicates the amount of elevator tab deflection,
in units from a neutral setting.
b. Electric Elevator Trim. Dual element thumb
switches on the control wheels control the electric
elevator trim system, and a trim disconnect switch on
each control wheel. The system is protected by two
10-ampere circuit breakers, placarded NO. 1 and
NO. 2 AP TRIM POWER, located on the right sidewall
circuit breaker panel. The dual element thumb switch
is moved forward for trimming nose down and aft for
nose up. When released, the switch returns to the
center (off) position. Any activation of the trim system
through the copilot's trim switch can be over-ridden by
activation of the pilots switch. Simultaneously
operating the pilot's and copilot's switches in opposing
directions results in the pilot's having priority. An
annunciator, placarded ELEC TRIM OFF, on the
caution/advisory annunciator panel indicates failure or
disconnect of the electric trim system.
c. A preflight check of the switches should be
accomplished before flight by moving the switches
individually on both control wheels. No one switch
alone should operate the system; operation of elevator
trim should occur only by movement of pairs of
switches on each control wheel. The trim system
disconnect is a bi-level push button momentary-type
switch, located on the outboard grip of each control
wheel, placarded AP DISC & TRIM INTRPT. Pressing
the switch to the first of two levels disconnects the
autopilot and yaw damper system, and the second
level disconnects the electric trim system.
d. Aileron Trim Tab Control. The aileron-trim
tab control, placarded AILERON TRIM LEFT / RIGHT,
located on the control pedestal, adjusts the aileron trim
tab. The amount of aileron tab deflection from a
neutral setting, as indicated by a position indicator, is
relative only and is not in degrees.
e. Rudder Trim Tab Control. The rudder trim
tab control knob, placarded RUDDER TAB LEFT /
RIGHT, located on the control pedestal, controls
adjustment of the rudder trim tab. A position indicator
denotes the amount of rudder tab deflection, in units
from a neutral setting.
The slot-type wing flaps are electrically operated
and consist of two sections for each wing. These
sections extend from the inboard end of each aileron
to the junction of the wing and fuselage. During
extension or retraction, the flaps are operated as a
single unit, with each section actuated by a separate
jackscrew actuator. The actuators are driven through
flexible shafts by a single reversible electric motor.
Wing flap position is indicated in percent of travel by a
flap position indicator on the center subpanel. Full flap
11 seconds. The flap control switch is located on the
control pedestal. No emergency wing flap actuation
system is provided. With flaps extended beyond the
APPROACH position, the landing gear warning horn
will sound, unless the landing gear is down and
locked. The flap motor circuit is protected by a
20-ampere circuit breaker, placarded FLAP MOTOR,
located on the left sidewall circuit breaker panel. The
flap system control circuit is protected by a 5-ampere
circuit breaker, placarded FLAP CONTROL, located
on the left sidewall circuit breaker panel.
a. Wing Flap Control Switch. A three-position
switch controls flap operation with a flap-shaped
handle on the control pedestal. The handle of this
switch is placarded FLAP. Switch positions are
placarded FLAP / UP / APPROACH / DOWN. The
amount of extension of the flaps is established by the
position of the flap switch as follows: UP 0%,
APPROACH 40%, and DOWN 100%. Limit
switches, mounted on the right inboard flap, establish
the flap travel. Intermediate flap positions between UP
and APPROACH cannot be selected. To return the
flaps to full UP, place the flap switch to the UP detent
position. To return the flaps to APPROACH, move the
flap switch to the UP position and then to the
APPROACH detent position. In the event that any two
adjacent flap sections extend 3° to 5 out of phase
with the other, a safety mechanism is provided to
discontinue power to the flap motor.
b. Wing Flap Position Indicator. Flap position
in percent of travel from 0% (UP) to 100% (DOWN) is
shown on an indicator, placarded FLAPS, located on