TM 1-1510-225-10
2. FLAPS (105 KIAS) UP.
4. Climb power Set.
8A-35. CLIMB.
a. Cruise Climb. Cruise climb is performed at a
speed that is the best combination of climb, fuel burn-
off, and distance covered. Set propellers at 1900 RPM
and torque at maximum allowable (or maximum climb
ITT, monitor N1). Adhere to the following airspeed
schedule as closely as possible:
SL to 10,000 feet....
160 KIAS
10,000 to 20,000 feet
...140 KIAS
20,000 to 25,000 feet
...130 KIAS
25,000 to 35,000 feet
..120 KIAS
b. Climb Maximum Rate. Maximum rate of
climb performance is obtained by setting propellers at
2000 RPM, torque at maximum allowable (or
maximum ITT, monitor N1), and maintaining best rate-
of-climb airspeed. Refer to Chapter 7 for best rate-of-
climb airspeed (Vy) for specific weights.
c. Climb Checklist. Complete as follows:
1. YD As required.
2. Cabin pressurization Check. Adjust rate
control knob so that cabin rate-of-climb
equals one third of aircraft rate-of-climb.
Recommend setting cruise altitude + 1000
3. AUTOFEATHER As required.
4. BRAKE DEICE As required.
Turn the windshield heat on to NORMAL
when passing 10,000 feet MSL or prior to
entering the freezing level, whichever
comes first. Leave on until no longer
required during descent for landing. HIGH
temperature may be selected as required
after a minimum warmup period of
15 minutes.
5. WSHLD ANTI-ICE As required.
6. Wings and nacelles Check.
7. TCAS Set range.
8A-36. CRUISE.
1. POWER Set. Refer to the cruise power
graphs contained in Chapter 7.
A new engine operated at the torque value
presented in the cruise power charts will
show an ITT margin below the maximum
cruise limit for the torque value presented
in the charts. With ice vanes retracted (ICE
VANES OFF), if cruise torque settings
shown on the power charts cannot be
obtained without exceeding ITT limits, the
engine should be inspected.
2. ICE PROTECTION switches As required.
Ensure anti-ice equipment is activated before
entering icing conditions.
3. CABIN signs As required.
4. AUXILIARY fuel gauges Monitor. Ensure
fuel is being transferred from auxiliary tanks.
(Chapter 2, Section IV).
5. Altimeters Check. Verify altimeter settings
are correct.
6. Engine
7. RECOG lights As required.
8. TCAS Set for en route.
Perform the following checks prior to the final
descent for landing.
1. Cabin pressurization Set. Adjust cabin
controller dial as required.
2. CABIN signs As required.
3. ICE PROTECTION switches As required.
Set windshield heat to NORMAL or HIGH as
required well before descent into icing
conditions or into warm moist air to aid in
defogging. Turn off windshield heat when
descent is completed to lower altitudes
and when heating is no longer required.
This will preclude possible windshield
4. WSHLD ANTI-ICE As required.
5. RECOG lights ON.