TM 1-1510-225-10
1. Turn and Slip Indicator
2. Battery Temperature Indicator
3. Battery Temperature Test Switch
4. Airspeed Indicator
5. Attitude Direction Indicator
6. Flight Director/Mode Selector
7. Annunciator Dim Switch
8. Master Warning Switch / Indicator
9. Master Caution Switch / Indicator
10. Altimeter
11. AP FD 1 & 2 Annunciators
12. Marker Beacon
13. GCAS PULL UP/Test Switch
14. GCAS Below GS Indicator
15. Interstage Turbine Temperature Gauges
16. Torquemeters
17. Propeller Tachometers
18. VHF Comm Radio
19. VHF Nav Radio
20. Automatic Direction Finding (ADF) Control
21. Turbine Tachometers (N1)
22. Fuel Flowmeters
23. Oil Temperature/Pressure Gauges
24. Vertical Speed Indicator
25. Propeller Synchroscope
26. Propeller Synchrophaser Control Switch
27. Stormscope
28. Horizontal Situation Indicator
29. Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)
30. Standby Attitude Reference Indicator
31. Needle Selector Switch
32. No. 1 Vert Gyro Fast Erect Switch
33. No. 1 Compass Gyro Free / Slave Increase /
Decrease Switch
34. HSI Source Selector Switches
35. On / Off Switch
36. HSI Dim Switch
Figure 2-17. Instrument Panel F3 ANG (Sheet 7 of 8)