TM 1-1510-225-10
(4) Immediate Present Position Hold. If it
becomes necessary to hold the present position,
access the Hold page. Press the HOLD PPSN line
select key and confirm the selection by pressing it
again. Refer to Figure 3B-71 and Table 3B-51. The
aircraft present position is immediately inserted into
the flight plan as the active waypoint, interrupting the
current flight plan leg, and activates a holding pattern
at that fix, with either the entered or default parameters
on the Hold page. This pattern and its holding fix are
treated the same as a preplanned hold at a flight plan
waypoint. All parameters may be edited. Any user
defined holding patterns defined at future waypoints,
will be deleted when a present position hold is
(5) Holding Course Edits. If no holding
pattern inbound course has been inserted, the inbound
course to the fix is used when holding guidance is
activated. If an inbound course has been inserted, the
inbound holding course is fixed but may be edited.
The holding course is entered by two different
methods. Default to the current inbound course to the
fix, or enter the desired course by the crew via the
scratchpad. In either method the course can be
modified as needed.
To restore the inbound course to the fix waypoint
as the holding course, enter a and select the CRS
line select key.
(6) Holding Pattern Length. The length of
the holding pattern can be defined by either defining
an inbound leg length or inbound leg duration. Before
execution of the pattern, only the entered value will be
displayed for the hold definition and will be identified
with an *. After the aircraft passes the holding fix, the
FMS will calculate the length or duration that was not
entered based upon the current groundspeed at the
pattern fix. Default values for pattern length are
4.0 nm or 1 minute duration.
(7) Holding Pattern Activation and Execution.
When the holding fix is passed for the first time the
holding guidance computations are activated. At this
time, the following changes will take place in the flight
plan operation and page displays.
(a) The
(b) Course edits on the Flight Plan page
may no longer be made. Inbound holding course edits
may be made on the Hold page.
(c) All displays reference the inbound
course displayed on the Hold page.
(d) Holding fix cannot be edited.
To edit a user-defined holding pattern once it is
in the flight plan, press the line select key on the Flight
Plan Waypoint page adjacent to the H attribute or use
the EDIT key and select HOLD.
If the inbound course is changed, the FMS800
commands an immediate turn to the current inbound
course and upon passing the holding fix, performs a
holding pattern entry procedure. If the direction is
changed, the action commanded is similar to a course
change. The FMS800 commands an immediate turn
to the inbound leg and upon passing the holding fix,
turns onto the outbound leg in the new turn direction.
If the leg length is changed, it will take effect
immediately. The effect will depend on the position of
the aircraft in the holding pattern at the time the length
was changed. If the aircraft is outbound, the FMS800
will command an immediate turn or maintain course
depending on whether the new turning point is behind
or in front of the aircraft, respectively. If the aircraft is
in a turn, it will continue the turn and intercept the leg
based on the old length. Upon completion of the turn,
the new length will be active. The length and width of
the holding pattern is recomputed, using the inbound
groundspeed, each time the aircraft passes the
holding fix.
When the holding guidance has been activated,
all course and lateral deviation displays will reference
the inbound holding course. The inbound holding
course is referenced whether the aircraft is on the
inbound or outbound leg of the holding pattern. The
10-second turn alert will be computed on the outbound
leg to alert the crew of the upcoming turn to the
inbound leg.