TM 1-1510-225-10
Figure 3B-9. HSI ARC Format (Off Display CRS, HDG, and Bearing)
(2) Course Needle. When the primary
course moves out of view, the primary course needle
and devi ation bar size reduces so that the head or tail
is always visible.
(3) Bearing Needle. When the bearing
needle head and tail are outside of the displayable
area, a cyan bearing needle appears on the inside of
the compass within its major tick marks pointing to
where the needle head would be.
h. Map ARC Format (Partial 80°). The Map
ARC format (Heading Up Map, Figure 3B -10) is an
expanded rose format with a compass segment at the
top of the display and the aircraft symbol centered
laterally at the bottom. The ARC Map provides a
display of the active flight plan. Refer to Figure 3B-11
for a description of the map symbols.
The operation of the peripheral information,
compass rose and annunciations, are the same as the
HSI ARC mode with the following exceptions:
(1) Range Arc. The range knob, concentric
with the mode switch, selects range on the map
format. The static dashed range ring and label consist
of one cyan arc and cyan text representing half the
value of the range setting. The arc is half way
between the aircraft symbol position and the point of
the lubber line. Available full-scale ranges are 2.5, 5,
10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, and 640 NM.
(2) Selected HDG Readout. A digital readout
of selected heading is displayed in the upper left-hand
corner of the display. When the heading bug is visible,
it will appear when the selected heading is changed
and is removed 10 seconds after the heading bug
quits moving.
(3) FMS Waypoints Displayed. The MFD will
display up to 15 FMS waypoints of a flight plan. One
past and fourteen future waypoints are located in their
proper rho-theta position with respect to the selected
range and aircraft symbol. The active waypoint is
magenta and all other waypoints are drawn in white.
Waypoints are identified by identifiers next to the
waypoint symbol. An Arc pattern or a holding pattern
associated with the active waypoint (TO) is drawn if
the pattern is activated. If not, an ICON symbol
representing the pattern type is drawn. Pattern
ICON's are drawn next to all future waypoints that
have an associated pattern. DME Arcs are drawn
whenever they are present.
If an FMS is attached to the MFD a waypoint
alert occurs when the aircraft is about to reach the
active waypoint. The active waypoint flashes to
indicate a waypoint alert.
i. Active Flight Plan and Other Course
Sources. If FMS is the selected course source,
waypoint symbols are connected together by course
lines of solid magenta ARC's, unless a gap in the