TM 1-1510-224-10
pounds. In this example it is found that data is
presented for MAXIMUM RANGE POWER at 1500 RPM
for ISA and ISA +10C at 24,000 feet and at 26,000 feet
for 14,000 pounds, but not for 16,000 pounds.
Consequently, it is not possible to determine a maximum
range power torque, airspeed, or fuel flow for 15,000
pounds at 25,000 feet, since chart values may not be
extrapolated. This means that either a lower altitude
must be selected for the leg of the mission that would be
using reserve fuel, or that the Normal Cruise Power At
1500 RPM values must be used to determine power
setting and the reserve fuel requirement. If no values
are presented for the given conditions in the Normal
Cruise Power at 1500 RPM tables, either select a lower
altitude, or use the maximum cruise power at 1700 RPM
table values to determine power setting and the reserve
fuel requirement. In this example it is found that data is
presented for the mission conditions in the Normal
Cruise Power at 1500 RPM tables, so that data can be
used. Refer to table 7-5 for an example of the reserve
fuel determination procedure.
Total fuel requirement. Expected fuel
usage + reserve fuel = total fuel requirement. (921 Ibs)
+ (537 Ibs) = 1458 lbs.
Zero-fuel weight limitation. For this
example, the following conditions were assumed:
Ramp Weight ......................................... 16,120 lbs
Weight of Usable Fuel on Board.................. 3631 lbs
Zero Fuel Weight = (16,120 - 3631).......... 12,489 lbs
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (from Chapter 5)
............................................................. 13,100 lbs
Maximum zero fuel weight limitation will not be
Anytime the zero fuel weight exceeds the
maximum zero fuel weight limit, the excess weight must
be offloaded from payload only (i.e., not from fuel). If
desired, additional fuel may then be added. However,
the foregoing calculations will remain unchanged only if
the fuel added is equal in weight to the payload off-
loaded, since only then will the ramp weight and takeoff
weight remain the same as before.
Range and Endurance. Estimates of the effect
of fuel load and power setting on aircraft range and
endurance can be determined from the Range and
Endurance Profile graphs. The range of a mission at
normal cruise power can be determined by entering the
Range Profile Normal Cruise Power graph at 25,000
feet, reading right to the anticipated fuel load and down
to the resulting range. This chart indicates that a fuel
load as low as 1500 pounds would be sufficient for the
planned 217 nautical mile mission from Billings to
Casper. The available range with full main and auxiliary
tanks (3631 pounds) for a flight at 25,000 feet can be
determined to be 1010 nautical miles. If additional range
is required, either a higher altitude or a lower power
setting could be selected. To determine the range with a
maximum fuel load, enter the Range Profile Full Main
and Aux Tanks graph (fig. 7-84) at 25,000 feet, read
right to the desired power setting and down to the
resulting range. This chart depicts that for a full-fuel
mission, range can be increased from 1010 to 1081
nautical miles by reducing power to maximum range
The aircraft endurance can be determined from
the various endurance profile graphs in a similar
It should be noted that all of these graphs are
based on standard day temperatures, and the range
graphs are also based on zero wind. If forecast
temperatures differ from standard values or if headwinds
are expected, a more rigorous mission analysis should
be accomplished.
Landing Example.
Weight. The estimated landing weight is
determined by subtracting the fuel usage expected for
the trip from the ramp weight:
Ramp Weight................................................16,120
Fuel Usage Expected for Total Trip............(-)921 lbs
Landing Weight....................................... 15,199 lbs
Maximum Landing Weight (Chapter 5)...... 15,675 lbs
Anytime the maximum landing weight limitation
would be exceeded, off-load the excess from useful load
prior to
Table 7-4. Example Time, Fuel, and Distance
Start, Runup, Taxi, and Takeoff Acceleration
Block Speed: 217 NM Divided by 56.9 Minutes = 227 Knots.