TM 1-1510-223-10
Change 3 8-28.1/(8-28.2 blank)
4. When rotation stops, neutralize rudder.
Do not pull out of the resulting dive too abruptly
as this could cause excessive wing loads and a
possible secondary stall.
5. Pull out of dive by exerting a smooth, steady
back pressure on control wheel, avoiding an
accelerated stall and excessive aircraft
Maneuvering speed (Va) is the maximum speed at
which abrupt full control inputs can be applied without ex-
ceeding the design load on the aircraft as shown in Chap-
ter 5. The data is based on 16,200 pounds and there are
no additional restrictions below this weight. There are no
unusual characteristics under accelerated flight.
The aircraft is stable under all normal flight conditions.
Aileron, elevator, rudder, and trim tab controls function
effectively throughout all normal flight conditions. Eleva-
tor control forces are relatively light in the extreme aft CG
(center of gravity) condition, progressing to moderately
high with CG at the forward limit. Extending and retract-
ing the landing gear causes only slight changes in control
pressure. Control pressures, resulting from changes in
power settings or the repositioning of the wing flaps are
not excessive in the landing configuration at the most for-
ward CG. The minimum speed at which the aircraft can
be fully trimmed is 106 KIAS (gear and flaps down, pro-
pellers at high RPM). Control forces produced by
changes in speed, power setting, wing flap position and
landing gear position are light and can be overcome with
one hand on the control wheel. Trim tabs permit the pilot
to reduce these forces to zero. During single engine op-
eration, the rudder boost system aids in relieving the rela-
tively high rudder pressures resulting from the large
variation in power.
All flight characteristics are conventional throughout
the level flight speed range.