TM 1-1510-223-10
8-26 Change 3
1. PROP SYN switch As required.
2. PROP levers As required.
3. Flaps (below 197 KIAS) APPROACH.
4. Gear (below 179 KIAS) DN.
5. Landing lights As required.
7. ICE VANE CONTROL switches As re-
8. BRAKE DEICE switch As required.
9. ANT STOWED annunciator light Check illu-
8-32. LANDING.
The maximum demonstrated crosswind compo-
nent is 20 knots at 90 . Landing the aircraft in a
crab will impose side loads on the landing gear
and should be recorded on DA Form 2408-13.
a. Normal Landing. Refer to Chapter 7 for perfor-
mance data. When landing is assured:
1. Autopilot and yaw damper Disengage.
2. GEAR DOWN annunciators Check.
3. PROP levers HIGH RPM.
b. Crosswind Landing. Refer to Chapter 7 for recom-
mended Vref speeds. Use the crab into the wind method
to correct for drift during final approach. The crab is
changed to a slip (aileron into wind and top rudder) to
correct for drift during flare and touchdown. After landing,
position ailerons as required to correct for crosswind ef-
fect. For crosswind exceeding the published limits, a
combination slip and crab method at touchdown should
be used.
c. Soft Field Landing. Not applicable.
When a touch and go landing is to be performed, the
following procedures shall be used:
1. PROP levers HIGH RPM.
2. Flaps As required.
3. Trim Set.
4. Power stabilized Check 25% minimum.
5. Takeoff power Set.
8-34. GO-AROUND.
When a go-around is commenced prior to the LAND-
ING check, use power as required to climb to, or maintain,
the desired altitude and airspeed. If the go-around is
started after the LANDING check has been performed,
apply maximum allowable power, retract the flaps to AP-
PROACH, and simultaneously increase pitch attitude to
stop the descent. Retract the landing gear after ensuring
that the aircraft will not touch the ground. Accelerate to
two engine climb airspeed, retracting flaps fully after at-
taining Vref.
1. Power Maximum allowable.
2. Deleted.
3. Gear UP.
4. Flaps UP.
5. Landing lights OFF.
6. Climb power Set.
7. BRAKE DEICE switch Off.
Complete the following procedures after the aircraft
has cleared the runway:
1. Deleted.
2. PROP levers Retard to FEATHER detent.
3. ICE VANE CONTROL switches ON.
4. Engine AUTO IGNITION switches Off.
5. ICE & RAIN switches Off.
6. Flaps UP.
7. Radar/transponder As required.
8. Lights As required.