TM 1-1510-223-10
Figure 3-1. Audio Control Panel
Audio Control Panel (fig. 3-1), Controls and
Master volume control. The master volume
control, placarded VOL, controls audio volume to
individual headsets.
Transceiver audio monitor controls. The
transceiver audio monitor controls, placarded RADIO
MON, 1 through 5, are used to select which transceiver's
received audio will be heard in the pilot's or copilot's
respective headset, and its volume. These controls are
of the push on, pull off type. Clockwise rotation of a
control increases audio volume to headset.
RADIO MON 1. Connects user's
headset to audio from VHF-AM transceiver number 1.
RADIO MON 2. Connects user's
headset to audio from VHF-AM transceiver number 2, or
VHF-FM (SINCGARS) transceiver, as selected by the
FM/AM alternate communication selector switch.
RADIO MON 3. Connects user's
to audio from # 1 UHF transceiver.
RADIO MON 4. Connects user's
headset to audio from HF or VOW transceivers.
RADIO MON 5. Connects user's
headset to audio from #2 UHF transceiver (BU VOW).
Navigation receiver audio monitor controls.
placarded RADIO MON, A and B, are used to select
which navigation receiver's audio will be heard in the
pilot's or copilot's respective headset, and its volume.
These controls are of the push on, pull off type.
Clockwise rotation of a control increases audio output to
NAV A. Connects user's headset to
audio from VOR #1, VOR #2, and marker beacon
number 1.
NAV B. Connects user's headset to
audio from TACAN, marker beacon #2, and ADF
Microphone impedance selector switch.
The microphone impedance selector switch,
placarded MIC, 1, 2, allows selection of impedance to
match micro- phone being used. Select MIC 1 position
for 5 ohm micro- phones, and MIC 2 position for 150
ohm microphones.
Transmitter-intercom selector switch. The
transmitter-intercom selector switch, placarded PVT,
ICS, 1 - 5, is used to select which transceiver the
microphone is connected to when the user's control
wheel microphone.