TM 1-1520-218-10
x. Postflight Operations.
(1) Postflight Operations Overview. The
FMS-800 postflight operations are as follows.
1. Saving and clearing GPS selective
availability/anti-spoofing keys
2. Saving GPS almanac data
3. Saving system status data
4. Zeroizing system data
5. Locking the system
(2) Saving and Clearing GPS Selective
Availability/Anti-Spoofing (SA/AS) Keys. The GPS
SA/AS functions are controlled on the GPS SA/AS
page, which is accessed from the Index 1 page. The
GPS SA/AS page indicates whether or not the GPS
contains keys and the current mission duration as
reported by the GPS. To change the mission duration,
enter the number of days in the scratchpad and press
the DAYS line select key on the GPS SA/AS page.
Entering a duration less than the current number of
loaded daily keys will zeroize any keys exceeding the
desired mission duration.
To zeroize the SA/AS keys, access the
Lock/Zeroize page and press the ZERO ALL or GPS
line select key twice. If after a zeroize attempt the
GPS SA/AS keys were not zeroized, for any reason, a
NO KEYS ZERO annunciation appears. If it was
(3) Saving GPS Almanac Data. Saving the
GPS almanac data to the data cartridge can ensure
almanac data is available to reduce acquisition time for
following flights. To save the GPS almanac data,
access the Data Loader page and press the
ALMANAC SAVE line select key twice.
(4) Saving System Status Data. The FMS-
800 maintains an in-flight fail history of all avionic
LRU's including CBIT, IBIT, and bus status failures for
later examination by maintenance personnel. To save
this status data to the data cartridge, access the Data
Loader pages and press the STAT SAVE line select
key twice. The failed history file contains start and end
dates of the record. A new fail history record will begin
whenever the crew saves the status data to the
(5) Zeroizing
Lock/Zeroize page permits selective blanking of data
within CDU nonvolatile memory and the data loader
cartridge. In addition to selective blanking, a single
key commands a master zeroize of all data stored in
the system, including V/UHF HAVE QUICK data, and
the GPS selective availability/anti-spoofing keys.
Lock/Zeroize page and its associated operation in
blanking different portions of system memory.
A ZERO ALL command will erase all system
data. Flight plan zeroization and erasure will delete
the active waypoint. Following flight plan zeroization,
guidance will be indeterminate and revert to a wings-
level configuration.
(6) Locking the System. The FMS-800
provides a system lock function to prevent improper
investigation or tampering of system data while the
aircraft is on the ground. The system lock, when
activated with a password entry, disables the CDU
function keys with the exception of two line select
keys. One unlocks the system with the entry of the
same password and one that performs a zeroization of
system data.
To lock the system, access the Lock/Zeroize
page, enter a three-character password in the
scratchpad, and press the LOCK line select key. Both
CDU's will display the lock/zeroize page and display
the LOCKED annunciation, indicating the system is
locked. No function keys or line select keys (other
than the LOCK and ZERO ALL) are operational at this
point. Once the system is locked, it can only be
unlocked and full functionality restored to the CDU's by
scratchpad of the CDU and pressing the LOCK line
select key or pressing the ZERO ALL line select key
twice on the CDU to zeroize system data. Refer to
Figure 3C-142 and Table 3C-105.