TM 1-1510-218-10
When the distance is invalid, the digital portion of
the readout is replaced with red dashes. If the
distance is unavailable, the digital portion of the
readout blanks. When the bearing source is invalid or
not available, the distance source is replaced with the
bearing source annunciation drawn in black on a solid
red box.
(17) Bearing Source. The bearing source is
identified in cyan in the upper left corner of the EHSI
below the course source/distance. When the bearing
is unavailable, the needle is removed but the source
annunciation remains. When the bearing source is
invalid, the needle is removed from the display and the
bearing source annunciation is replaced with the
source abbreviation drawn in black on a solid red box.
(18) Course Source Distance Readout. When
distance is available for the selected course source,
the distance source and the distance in nautical miles
to the NAV source is displayed in the upper left corner
of the MFD. If the course source is FMS, the active
waypoint is displayed as the distance source. If the
course source is VOR, DME is displayed as the
distance source. If TCN is the course source, TCN is
displayed as the distance source.
The distance readout displays tenths of a mile up
to 99.9 nm, and above 99.9 nm it displays whole miles.
If VOR is the selected course source and the VOR is
in DME hold mode, a white H is annunciated to the
right of the DME distance.
When the distance is invalid, the digital portion of
the readout is replaced with red dashes and the
distance source is replaced with the course source
annunciation. If the distance is unavailable, the
distance identifier is replaced with the course source
annunciation and digital portion of the readout blanks.
(19) Free Format Line. The free format line is
a 32-character message line filled by the FMS-800.
The FMS-800 controls the content of the message,
color, and flashing of characters. The message line
frequencies. The left side of the message line consists
of the active communication call sign and frequency in
green. The right side of the message line consists of
the last-tuned communication call sign and frequency
in cyan.
(20) Digital HDG Bug Readout. Located to
the right of the course source/ distance. When the
selected heading changes, the selected heading
readout is displayed. If the selected heading does not
change for 10 seconds, the selected heading readout
is removed from the display. If the heading bug is off
the screen, the readout will be constantly displayed.
(21) Heading Bug. The heading bug is
magenta and travels around the aircraft symbol on the
outside edge of the compass. It travels in 1
increments. The center of the heading bug indicates
the selected heading in 1 increments. When the
heading bug or heading source is invalid, the heading
bug is not displayed.
(22) Track Indicator. The track indicator
shows the actual course of the aircraft. It is drawn as
a cyan diamond. It travels around the aircraft symbol
on the inner edge of the compass rose, such that the
bottom of the indicator points into the compass and is
aligned with the track value on the compass. The
track indicator is removed from the display if it
becomes invalid or unavailable. The track indicator is
displayed in amber when a cross-side source is
selected. See Table 3C-7 for Heading Reference
Indicator Values.
(23) Digital Heading Readout. The compass
rose rotates about the aircraft symbol such that the
current heading is graphically indicated below the
lubber line. Within the white lubber line symbol is a
white digital heading readout. The lubber line is
located directly above the aircraft symbol along the
outside of the compass rose.
When the heading is invalid, the bearing pointer
and the HSI go into OBS backup modes.
When the heading is invalid, the heading readout
is removed from the display and replaced with the
heading annunciator. The heading is labeled HDG in
black letters on a solid red box.
(24) Dead
Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Alert. The display
annunciates Dead Reckoning (DR) or Receiver
Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) in amber to
the right of the digital heading readout. If DR and
RAIM Alert are present at the same time, DR overrides
the RAIM Alert.
The FMS goes into DR when it loses navigation
sources. When FMS goes into DR, it calculates its
present position based on inertial data. The display
annunciates DR in amber to the right of the digital
(25) FMS Offset. The crew can select a
parallel offset (OFST) source via the FMS. The lateral
deviation scale is relative to the parallel offset course.
OFST is annunciated to the right of the digital heading
readout in white.