TM 1-1510-218-10
If FMS 1 is selected as the primary source, the
FMS mode is annunciated in white below the primary
navigation source. The FMS 1 modes are NONE,
APPR, ENRT, OCNC, or TERM. The FMS mode will
flash for 10 seconds starting 1 mile prior to
transitioning into APPR mode. When the mode is
NONE or ENRT, the annunciation field will be blank.
If the FMS 2 course is selected as the primary
source, the FMS mode is annunciated in white below
the course source. The FMS 2 course modes are
ENRT, APPR, or TERM. The FMS mode will flash for
10 seconds during the transition from TERM to APPR.
When the mode is ENRT, the annunciation field will be
(9) FMS Flight Modes. If FMS 1 is selected
as the primary source, the FMS mode is annunciated
in white below the primary navigation source. The
FMS 1 modes are NONE, APPR, ENRT, OCNC, or
TERM. The FMS mode will flash for 10 seconds
starting 1 mile prior to transitioning into APPR mode.
When the mode is NONE or ENRT, the annunciation
field will be blank.
If the FMS 2 course is selected as the primary
source, the FMS mode is annunciated in white below
the course source. The FMS 2 course modes are
ENRT, APPR, or TERM. The FMS mode will flash for
10 seconds during the transition from TERM to APPR.
When the mode is ENRT, the annunciation field will be
(10) Data Selection Display (Navigation Data).
The DATA switch on the control panel provides
sequential selection of OFF, GS, TAS, TTG, ET, or
OFF (no navigation data displayed) from the onside
FMS. The selected data is displayed in white in the
lower right-hand corner of the display. When the data
is invalid, the digital value is replaced with red dashes.
If the data is unavailable, the data value is blanked.
(a) FMS -800 Operation. OFF, GS, AS,
TTG, and ET are valid data displays for the FMS-800.
(b) KLN 90B Operation. OFF, GS, and
TTG are valid data displays for the KLN 90B.
(11) Course Pointer. The selected course is
shown by the relationship of the solid single bar arrow
(pointer) with respect to the compass card and is
repeated numerically in the upper right corner. The
course pointer is white for all navigation sources. The
digital course readout and course needle change by 1
increments and rotate such that the needle head
points to the selected primary course on the compass.
(12) Wind Direction. The MFD displays wind
velocity (knots) and direction (degrees) on the bottom
of the MFD in green below the label WIND. If no wind
data is available, the data will be blank. If the wind
data is invalid, the data will be dashed red.
(13) Compass Rose (360°). The compass
rose provides a graphical representation of the current
heading of the aircraft. It is a full 360 rose
approximately 3 inches in diameter with N, E, S, and
W designating the cardinal points and numerics at the
30 points. Aircraft heading is read against the lubber
line. Major division marks are every 10 and minor
division marks are every 5 on the compass rose. The
compass card, lubber line, and reference lines are
(14) Bearing Pointer. The bearing source is
selected by the bearing switch on the control panel.
The bearing arrow is a solid cyan line with an open
arrow extending through the aircraft symbol to the
minor tick marks on each side of the compass. The
corresponding to the bearing of the station.
(15) Compass
A compass
benchmark surrounds the compass rose. The
benchmarks are white triangle marks located every
45 except at 360 along the outside of the compass
(16) Distance of Bearing Source. When
distance is available for the selected bearing source,
the distance source and the distance in nautical miles
to the NAV source are displayed in the upper left
corner of the MFD. When the bearing source is FMS,
the active waypoint is displayed as the distance
source. If the bearing source is VOR, DME will be
displayed as the distance source.
If an offside FMS is selected for bearing
data/distance and it is not activated as the
primary NAV source on the off-side, the
distance/bearing information will not be
displayed. This is caused by the method of
data importation into the EHSI displays. If
the offside FMS data is required, the
offside primary NAV source must be
The distance readout displays tenths of a mile up
to 99.9 nm, and above 99.9 nm it displays whole miles.
If VOR is the selected course source and the VOR is
in DME hold mode, a cyan H is annunciated to the
right of the DME distance.