TM 1-1510-218-10
With the KGR-358 in any of the NAV modes, the
radar screen will display a normal weather picture plus
the location of the waypoints listed in the active flight
plan. Data referenced to NAV 1 is displayed in the
lower left portion of the radar display. Data referenced
to NAV 2 will display in the lower right portion of the
display. Included in the data are the active waypoint
name, the selected course bearing, and the aircraft
position (radial to, and distance) from the active
navigation fix. Aircraft magnetic heading is displayed
in the upper left section of the radar display.
A line representing the course selected by the
flight management system is drawn through the
corresponding active waypoint. Selected course
bearing for each NAV system is displayed with NAV
data on each side of the screen. A waypoint line will
also be displayed connecting the waypoints in
numerical sequence. An R on the left side of the
screen indicates all visible NAV aids selected by the
flight management system will be displayed. The level
of NAV aids displayed is indicated by one, two, or
three dots on the left side of the R.
A joystick control is provided to move a waypoint
to any position on the screen. The coordinates for this
new waypoint will appear in the lower left or right
corner depending upon which NAV is selected
replacing the active waypoint data. If both NAV
systems are selected the new coordinates will be
displayed corresponding to NAV 1, and may be
switched to NAV 2. Pressing the check button will
cause the data to transfer to the flight management
system and be fixed as a position on the earth. Once
the data is transferred to the flight management
system, the pilot may enter it as he desires.
A track line enables a quick determination of how
many degrees deviation left or right of a present
heading is needed to provide for a clear path through
weather or to a new fix. The number of degrees and
an L or R is shown in the upper left corner replacing
the magnetic heading when track mode is in operation.
Power is provided for the unit through a
2-ampere circuit breaker, placarded GRPH-DSPL,
located on the overhead circuit breaker panel, Figure
2-16, Sheet 3.
b. Controls and Functions. Refer to Figure
(1) Mode Selector Knob. Allows the operator
to turn the unit on, and select desired mode.
(a) OFF. Power is removed from the
unit when mode selector knob is in the OFF position.
(b) EMER. Checklists of emergency
procedures for the aircraft are displayed in the
emergency (EMER) mode. The emergency index
contains the titles of the emergency checklists. The
selected checklist item is shown in yellow while the
others are shown in magenta.
(c) 3 LST. Selects the preprogrammed
checklist for display.
(d) SBY. Selects the standby mode.
Nothing is displayed on the screen when in the SBY
(e) NAV 1. Selects NAV 1 information to
be displayed. Data referenced to NAV 1 will be
displayed in cyan, in the lower left portion of the radar
display. If NAV data is invalid, the data will be
replaced with dashes.
(f) NAV 2. Selects NAV 2 information to
be displayed. Data referenced to NAV 2 will be
displayed in yellow, in the lower right portion of the
radar display. If NAV data is invalid, the data will be
replaced with dashes.
(g) BOTH. Selects both NAV 1 and NAV
2 information to be displayed.
(2) Left/Right (Ü Þ) Cursor Buttons. When
Ü or Þ is pressed, a track line will appear, and move
in the direction indicated by the button pressed. The
track line will disappear 10 seconds after the button
has been released.
(3) Joystick . The joystick is used to move a
waypoint to any position on the radar screen.
(4) CANCEL Button. When pressed, the
CANCEL button will remove displays from the radar
(5) PAGE Button. The PAGE button is used
to view consecutive pages within a checklist. It is also
used, along with the Ý or ß buttons, to bypass items
without checking them off, or return to items previously
(6) Up/Down (Ý ß) Cursor Buttons. The Ý
and ß buttons are used, along with the PAGE button,
to bypass items in the checklist without checking them
off, or return to items previously bypassed.
(7) Input Jack. Provides a means of
connecting the pocket terminal to the unit