TM 1-1510-218-10
(a) FILTER V / OFF. Filters out voice on
ADF and VOR audio.
(b) FILTER R / OFF. Filters out
identification code on ADF-2 and VOR audio.
(7) CABIN ADF-1 / OFF / ADF-2 Switch.
Selects desired ADF audio for use with cabin
(a) ADF-1. Selects ADF-1 audio for use.
(b) OFF. Removes ADF audio from
cabin speakers.
(c) ADF-2. Selects ADF-2 audio for use.
(8) MKR BCN VOL Switch. Adjusts the
volume of marker beacon audio.
(9) MKR BCN HI / LO Switch. Selects either
high or low marker beacon sensitivity.
(10) HF VOL Control. Adjusts volume of
marker beacon audio.
c. Controls and Functions, Copilot's Audio
Control Panel. Refer to Figure 3A-2.
(1) Transmitter Selector Switch. Controls
operation of selected system.
(a) HF. Permits reception of audio from
the HF transceiver and routes key and microphone
signals to the HF transceiver.
(b) UHF. Permits reception of audio from
the UHF transceiver and routes key and microphone
signals to the UHF transceiver.
(c) VHF-1. Routes key and mic signals
to the #1 VHF transceiver.
(d) VHF-2. Routes key and mic signals
to the #2 VHF transceiver.
(e) INTPH. Permits transmission and
reception of interphone signals.
(f) CABIN. Removes ADF audio from
cabin speakers and allows the copilot to talk to cabin
(2) VOL Control. Controls audio volume.
(3) ICS # 2 OFF Switches. Permits
monitoring by copilot of selected audio regardless of
position of transmitter selector switch.
(a) HF. Permits monitoring of HF audio.
(b) UHF.
UHF audio.
(c) VHF 1. Permits monitoring of
VHF-1 audio.
(d) VHF 2. Permits monitoring of
VHF-2 audio.
(e) VOR 1. Permits monitoring of
VOR-1 audio.
(f) VOR 2. Permits monitoring of
VOR-2 audio.
(g) ADF 1. Permits monitoring of
ADF-1 audio.
(h) ADF 2. Permits monitoring of
ADF-2 audio.
(i) INTPH.
interphone audio.
(4) FILTER Switches.
Either the ADF or VOR switch must be in
the OFF position for the other switch to
(a) FILTER V / OFF. Filters out voice on
ADF and VOR audio.
(b) FILTER R / OFF. Filters out
identification code on ADF-2 and VOR audio.
(5) AUDIO NORM / EMER Switch. Controls
routing of received audio signals.
(a) NORM . Routes audio signal through
amplifier to speaker or headphone.
(b) EMER. Audio signal bypasses
amplifier. Applies audio signal to headphone only.
Determines where selected audio will be heard.
(a) SPKR. Allows selected audio to be
heard via the speaker.
(b) PHONE. Allows selected audio to be
heard via the phone.