TM 1-1510-218-10
a. Operations At or Below 12,500 Pounds.
(1) Takeoff. Maximum Gross Takeoff Weight
(GTOW) is 12,500 pounds.
(2) Landing. Maximum gross landing weight
is 12,500 pounds.
(3) Maximum Ramp Weight. Maximum ramp
weight is 12,590 pounds.
(4) Maximum Zero Fuel Weight. Maximum
zero fuel weight is 11,000 pounds.
(5) Altitude.
(a) At least 75% of total missions shall be
flown at altitudes above 5,000 feet above ground level
when operating at or below 12,500 pounds GTOW.
(b) At least 50% of total missions shall be
flown at altitudes above 10,000 feet above ground
level when operating at or below 12,500 pounds
b. Operations Over 12,500 Pounds Gross
Takeoff Weight C D1.
(1) Requirements.
(a) Takeoffs. Takeoff should only be
performed on a smooth paved runway. Takeoffs
should not be performed with a tailwind.
(b) Landing. Maximum landing weight is
12,500 pounds, unless required by an emergency. If it
is necessary to land with a weight over 12,500 pounds,
the landing shall be made on a smooth, paved runway
at a sink rate of 500 feet per minute or less, if possible.
(c) Flight Duration. All missions with
over 12,500 pounds GTOW shall be planned and
flown at or above 10,000 feet above ground level and
be a minimum of 60 minutes in duration unless
restricted by Air Traffic Control, turbulence, or other
weather conditions, or emergencies.
(d) Takeoff. All missions with over
12,500 pounds GTOW shall be flown on a smooth,
paved runway. Takeoffs shall not be performed with a
(e) Center of Gravity (CG) Limits. The
CG limits shall be IAW with Figure 6-7.
1 The aft CG limit above 12,500
pounds is 196.4 ARM inches.
2 The forward CG limit at 13,500
pounds is 188.3 ARM inches. Intermediate values to
12,500 vary linearly to 185.0 ARM inches.
(f) Wing Spar. Authorization to operate
above 12,500 is applicable to the following aircraft,
only after the original wing spars have been replaced
after 10,000 hours of service.
(2) Maximum Weight Operation.
(a) Takeoff. Maximum GTOW is 13,500
(b) Landing. Maximum gross landing
weight is 12,500 pounds.
(c) Maximum Ramp Weight. Maximum
ramp weight is 13,590 pounds.
(d) Maximum
Maximum zero fuel weight is 11,000 pounds.
c. Operations Over 12,500 Pounds Gross
Takeoff Weight D2 T .
(1) Requirements.
Artificial stall warning systems may only
provide a 1 to 5 knot stall warning.
Maximum GTOW charts must be strictly
followed to ensure climb capability in the
event of an engine failure.
(a) Aircraft
Raisbeck Engineering dual aft body strakes and
engine ram air recovery system with PT6A-42 engines.
(b) Landing. Maximum landing weight is
12,500 pounds, unless required by an emergency. If it
is necessary to land with a weight over 12,500 pounds,
the landing shall be made on a smooth, paved runway
at a sink rate of 500 feet per minute or less, if possible.
(c) Flight Duration. All missions with
over 12,500 pounds GTOW shall be planned and
flown at or above 10,000 feet above ground level and