TB 43-0149
Figure 52. Circuit layout for heliport in noncombat area
used to place the light set into operation.
(1) The power cables are laid out as shown in figure
a. Turn the master switch on the control panel to
The 40-watt corner location lights are cone-
the Off position.
mounted. The yellow cones, placed to the rear to the
b. Set the variable output controls to zero.
floodlights increase the daylight visibility of the landing
c. Start the generator. See TM 5-6115-329.
area and reflect the floodlight beams at night. The
d. Turn the master switch on the control panel to
floodlight and corner location light cones are placed
directly over the power cable connectors. All cones are
the On position.
e. Turn the variable output controls up until the
secured by packing earth around their bases to protect
against disturbance from rotor downwash. Cones are
leveled by placing the level provided in the basic set
f. In a combat area if conditions are such that the
across the top and adjusting the cones. When mounting
the floodlights, care should be taken to keep the light
pilot cannot align himself with the beam of the glide
beam horizontal, so that the pilot sees the reflected light
angle approach light, the floodlight intensity should be
and not the direct floodlight beam. The traffic control
temporarily increased until the pilot receives the proper
guidance, then reduced to normal.
10. Maintenance. After installation, the lighting
(2) Drive ground rod and connect grounding cable
equipment should be inspected weekly to keep the lights
to grounding lug on generator.
operating properly.
Lenses, lamps, hoods, cones,
approach light, and fixture assemblies should
v be
cleaned smoothly. Lenses, hoods, fixture assemblies,
9. Operating Procedure.
The generator and
cones, and clamping rings are not repairable, and must
be replaced if damaged. Appendix C contains
The generator lead is attached to the output terminal of
troubleshooting instructions
the generator and to the feeder cable from the control
panel. The following checklist should be