TM 55-4920-414-13&P
4-24. General.
Preparation for shipment and/or storage depends upon
whether test set is retained in unit area or evacuated.
Storage in unit area, when authorized, is on a rotational
basis and is known as Administrative Storage. For Ad-
ministrative Storage see TM 740-90-1.
4-25. Levels of Protection
Select the level of protection which best suits the cir-
cumstances and follow the instructions for that level.
a. Level A. Use this level if shipment is into or out of
a combat theater or is destined for outdoor storage or is
destined for indoor storage beyond 6 years.
b. Level B. Use this level if the shipment involves
overseas surface transit and/or is destined for indoor
storage up to 5 years.
c. Level C. Use this level if shipment is entirely with-
in CONUS and storage will not be over 2 years.
4-26. Procedures.
a. Package the two components of the test set
separately, but combine in a single Method IA-14 of MIL-
P-116 as follows:
(1) Level A.
(a) Wrap bare items with chemically-neutral paper
conforming to MIL-P-17667.
(b) Cushion each component in a fiberboard con-
tainer conforming to W5s of W5c of PPP-B-636.
(c) Have 2 inches of cushioning on all sides, top and
bottom, using l-pound density polyethylene foam con-
forming to PPP-C-1752. Seal box with PPP-T-60 tape.
(d) Bag each box in a bag made of material con-
forming to MIL-B-137. Heat-seal bag.
(e) Place both fiberboard boxes in a wood-cleated
plywood container conforming to style 1, overseas type
of PPP-B-601.
(2) Level B. Requirements for this level are the same
as for level A, except that the fiberboard containers are
changed to domestic class of PPP-B-636 and the plywood
container is changed to V2s or V13C of PPP-B-636.
(3) Level C. Requirements for this level are the same
as for level B, except that commercially-available sub-
stitutions may be made for the chemically-neutral wrap.
b. Packing. Not required.
c. Marking. Mark each unit container for shipment in
accordance with MIL-STD-129 unless it is for level C.
For level C, only these markings are required:
(a) NSN
(b) Noun nomenclature
(c) Quantity and unit of issue
(d) Names and addresses of shipper and addressee