Section I. USE AND MAINTENANCEFigure 1-3. Vibration Meter Type 1-117-0105, Front and Rear ViewsPHYSICAL DESCRIPTION.Figure 1-6. Vibration Meter Type 1-117-0105, Simplified Block DiagramFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION, VIBRATION METERFigure 1-7. Technical Characteristics, Vibration Meter Type 1-117-0105Figure 1-8. Technical Characteristics, Vibration Transducer Types 4-118-0107 and 4-128-0101Figure 1-9. T53-L-3/7 Engine Vibration Test Data SheetFigure 1-10. T53-L-9/9A/ 11/ 11B/ 13 Engine Vibration Test Data SheetFigure 1-11. T55-L-5/7/7B/7C Engine Vibration Test Data SheetFigure 1-12. T63-A-5A Engine Vibration Test Data SheetFigure 1-13. Vibration Test Equipment Used with T53, T55, and T63 Series EnginesFigure 1-14. Location of Vibration Transducer Adapters on T53, T55, and T63 Series EnginesFigure 1-15. Location of Vibration Transducer Brackets, T-63 EngineFigure 1-16. Location of Vibration Transducer Adapters, T53-L-3/7 EnginesFigure 1-17. Location of Vibration Transducer Adapters T53-L-5/9/11 EnginesFigure 1-18. Location of Vibration Transducer Adapters, T55-L-5/7 EnginesFigure 1-20. Functions of Operating Controls and Indicators (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 1-20. Functions of Operating Controls and Indicators (Sheet 2 of 2)CALIBRATION OF THE VIBRATION TRANSDUCER/METER SYSTEM.Figure 1-22. Equivalent Circuit of Vibration Transducer Feeding Vibration Meter Type 1-117-0105OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS.EVALUATION OF VIBRATION TEST DATA.Figure 1-24. Test Equipment Required for Test and Maintenance of the Vibration Meter Type 1-117-0105Figure 1-25. Vibration Meter Type 1-117-0105, Schematic DiagramFigure 1-26. Typical Power Supply VoltagesFigure 1-28. Troubleshooting Chart Vibration Meter Type 1-117-0105 (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 1-28. Troubleshooting Chart Vibration Meter Type 1-117-0105 (Sheet 3 of 3)LOCALIZING TROUBLES IF INTERNAL CALIBRATION IS INACCURATE.Figure 1-29. Test Equipment Required for Testing and Maintenance of the Vibration TransducerFigure 1-30. Trouble Shooting Chart, Vibration Transducer Type 4-128-0101Figure 1-31. Troubleshooting Chart, Vibration Transducer Type 4-118-0107Figure 1-34. Bench Test Set-Up for Frequency Response Test and CalibrationFigure 1-37. Velocity Vibration Transducer Assembly Type 4-118-0107, Exploded ViewCLEANING.OVERHAUL INSTRUCTIONS, VIBRATION TRANSDUCER TYPE 4-128-0101.Figure 1-40. Vibration Transducer Type 4-128-0101, Exploded ViewCLEANINGVIBRATION TRANSDUCER CALIBRATION (MAINTENANCE).Figure 1-41. Test Equipment Required for Vibration Transducer CalibrationSection II. PARTS BREAKDOWNFigure 2-1. Vibration Monitoring Kit, Location of ComponentsFigure 2-2. Velocity Vibration Transducer, Type 4-118-0107, Location of PartsRepair Parts List - TM-55-4920-243-150079Figure 2-3. Velocity Vibration Transducer, Type 4-128-0101, Location of PartsFigure 2-4. Cable Reel, Part No. 171589, Location of PartsFigure 2-5. Cable Assembly, Part No. 49657, Location of PartsFigure 2-7. Vibration Transducer Power Turbine Adapter, Part No. 171579, Location of PartsFigure 2-9. Vibration Transducer Inlet Housing Adapter, Part No. 171575, Location of PartsFigure 2-11. Vibration Transducer Turbine Bracket, Part No. 362854, Location of PartsFigure 2-13. Vibration Transducer Power Turbine Adapter Part No. 171578, Location of PartsFigure 2-15. Vibration Meter Type 1-117-0105, Location of Parts (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-15. Vibration Meter Type 1-117-0105, Location of Parts (Sheet 2 of 2)Repair Parts List - TM-55-4920-243-150089Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-55-4920-243-150090Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-55-4920-243-150091Figure 2-16. Terminal Board Assembly No. 1, Part No. 30977, Location of PartsFigure 2-17. Terminal Board Assembly No. 3, Part No. 30979, Location of PartsSection III. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection III. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (cont)Vibration Monitoring Kit, Type 171170-0100 and 171170-0104 Special Tools and Test Equipment Requirements TableTM-55-4920-243-15 Vibratlion Monitoring Kit (FSN 4920-879-0331) Manual