TM 55-1680-317-23&P
a. Hazardous components as referred to in this technical manual consist of ammunition items (cartridges and shells),
pyrotechnics (signals, distress), flammables (fire starter and matches), compass lensatic, MIL-C-10436 and
trioxane fuel packets.
b. As option, lot numbers of ammunitions items and distress signals will be checked for serviceability in accordance
with TB 9-1300-385, T.O. 11A-1-1, NAVSEA OD 17190. As option, use lot numbers that will be entered on
the reverse side of serviceable tag, (DD Form 1574), to facilitate checking lot numbers between periodic kit inspe-
c. Operation of Signal, MK13, MODO. All personnel who may be required to operate these signals in emergencies
shall be given instructions in their use.
Inspect all matches to ensure that match heads are not joined together. Do not
use any matches that are joined together.
Inspect all matches to insure the match heads are not placed in such a way that
the head could ignite by rubbing against an adjacent match. Do not use any
matches that are joined together.
d. "MATCHES, NON-SAFETY". Are packed in a large round plastic container with a screw top cap that makes a
water tight seal. The container holds four boxes of 30-40 matches each. A rough surface on the outside bottom of
the container is for striking the match to cause ignition.
e. Trioxane Fuel Tablets. Trioxane fuel tablets are considered good indefinitely. Trioxane fuel is primarily composed
of metaformaldehyde, which is highly toxic. Ingestion constitutes a medical emergency. Wash hands immediately
after handling opened or leaking packages.
If trioxane fuel is ingested do not induce vomiting; drink milk, eat bread or any
high protein food. Seek medical attention immediately.
f. The Signal Kit Personnel Distress, is a hand launched distress signal. The flare is composed of two cylindrical
sections. The candle composition is in the front section. The rear sections consist of a rocket motor and nozzle
plate with a centrally located primer, propellant and delay column.
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