CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-55-1680-317-23P_20Section III. TECHNICAL PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONFigure 1-1. The individual survival kit for all Army aircraft, except OV-1, typicalFigure 1-2. OV-1 Aircraft Individual Survival Kit.Figure 1-3. The SRU-21/P Survival Vest, TypicalFigure 1-4a. Aircraft Survival Armor Recovery Vest, Insert, and Packets (SARVIP)1-9. COMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONSCOMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONS - Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_27COMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONS - Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_28COMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONS - Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_291-10. HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS1-11. TABULATED DATA1-12. TRAININGCOMPONENTS COMMON TO ALL KITSCOMPONENTS FOR OVER-WATER KITCHAPTER 2 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection II. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - TM-55-1680-317-23P_362.4. SERVICESTable 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesPreventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_39Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_40Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_41Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_42Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_43Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_44Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_45Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_46Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_47Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_48Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued3.Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_50Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_51Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_52Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_53Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_54Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_55Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_56Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_57Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_58Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_59Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_60Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_61Section Ill. GENERAL REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS2.7. SEWING REPAIRS - ContinuedFigure 2-1. General patching details.Table 2-2. Sewing Machine Code SymbolsTable 2-3. Stitching Specifications - ContinuedStitching Specifications-Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_67Stitching Specifications-Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_682-8. SEARING AND WAXINGFigure 2-2. Installing an eyelet-type grommet, typical2.10. SNAP FASTENER REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT2-11. MAKING KNOTSFigure 2-4. Knots used in survival kit maintenanceSection IV. SPECIFIC REPAIR AND PACKING INSTRUCTIONSINDIVIDUAL HOT CLIMATE SURVIVAL KIT-Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_75Figure 2-6. Kit outer case carrying handle construction detailsINDIVIDUAL HOT CLIMATE SURVIVAL KIT-Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_77Figure 2-7. individual Survival Kit (Packed) (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 2-7. Individual Survival Kit (Packed) (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 2-7. Individual Survival Kit (Packed) (Sheet 3 of 3)b. Kit Inner Case.Figure 2-8. Attaching strap replacement details, typicalFigure 2-9. Strap assembly construction details, typicalINDIVIDUAL HOT CLIMATE SURVIVAL KIT-Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_84(2) Repair(4) Replacementd. Repacking the Survival KitFigure 2-9a. Securing Slide Fastener ThongFigure 2-10. Packing details for survival components of the individual hot climate survival kit. Unless noted, all units are one each.Figure 2-11. Tarpaulin folding detailsINDIVIDUAL COLD CLIMATE SURVIVAL KIT-ContinuedFigure 2-12. Packing details for survival components of the individual cold climate survival kit. Unless other wise we noted an units are one each.a. Kit Outer Case.Figure 2-13. Connector loop construction and attaching details INDIVIDUAL OVERWATER SURVIVAL KIT-ContinuedFigure 2-14. Thong replacement detailsFigure 2-15. Ring chape construction detailsINDIVIDUAL OVERWATER SURVIVAL KIT - ContinuedFigure2-17. Connector web construction detailsFigure 2-18. Inner case packing details for survival components of the Individual overwater survival kitFigure 2-19. One-man life raft pocked in kit outer case upper section with connector web stowedFigure 2-20. Individual overwater survival kit packed and kit closure completedFigure 2-21. One-man life raft folding detailsFigure 2-22. Connecting the raft inflation assembly and kit closing detailsFigure 2-23. The SRU-21/P survival vest construction details(c) Replacing edge and seam binding. (f) Replacing a loop tape cord.(i) Altering vest size. Figure 2-24. Removing the SRU-21/P survival vest inside panel.b. Survival Components.Figure 2-25. Assembly and stowage details for survival components of the SRU-21IP survival vest Figure 2-26. Radio with antenna stowed properly for SRU-21/P vest2-16. OV-1 AIRCRAFT SURVIVAL VESTd. Survival ComponentsFigure 2-27. OV-1 aircraft survival vest components assembly and stowage detailsFigure 2-27a. Alternate method of attaching LPU-10 flotation equipment to the OV-1 survival vetFigure 2-28. SRU-31/P Packet 1 and 2Figure 2-29. Radio pocket flap alterations for OV-1 vestFigure 2-30. Radio with antenna stowed properly in OV-1 vestFigure 2-31. OV-1 aircraft rigid seat survival kit with seat pad and thigh support padsFigure 2-32. RSSK 1 man life raft folding detailsOV-1 AIRCRAFT RIGID SEAT SURVIVAL KIT (RSSK)-Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_122Figure 2-33. Attaching dropline around Figure 2-34. Passing actuating line through neck of valveFigure 2-34a. Raft Retaining Line (OV-1 RSSK)b. Equipment BagFigure 2-35. OV-1 aircraft RSSK, equipment bag, and drop line (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 2-35. OV-1 aircraft RSSK, equipment bag, and drop line (Sheet 2 of 3)c. Replace RSSK hardware and accessoriesFigure 2-36. OV-1 aircraft rigid seat survival kit with harness assembly (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 2-36. OV-1 aircraft rigid seat survival kit with harness assembly (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 2-36. O V-1 aircraft rigid seat survival kit with harness assembly (Sheet 3 of 3)(9) RSSK quick release handles and integrated parts Figure 2-37. OV-1 aircraft RSSK canopy release and quick release handleFigure 2-38. 0V-1 aircraft RSSK stiffener and housing latch assemblyOV-1 AIRCRAFT RIGID SEAT SURVIVAL KIT (RSSK)-Continued - TM-55-1680-317-23P_135Figure 2-39. Packing details for survival components of the OV- 1 aircraft RSSK hot climate survivalFigure 2-40. Packing details for survival components of the OV-1 aircraft RSSK cold climate survival kitFigure 2-41. Packing details for survival components of the OV-1 aircraft RSSK overwater survival kitFigure 2-42. SARVIP2-19. AIRCREW SURVIVAL ARMOR RECOVERY VEST, INSERT, AND PACKETS (SARVIP) - Continued(e) Replacing a slide interlocking fastener. b. Survival Components.c. Distress marker lightf. Assembly of SARVIP components. Figure 2-43. Assembly of SARVIP ComponentsCHAPTER 3 A.L.S.E. WORK, STORAGE AND FITTING AREAS3-5. TEMPORARY STORAGE OF LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENTAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-55-1680-317-23P_148A-6. OPERATORS MANUALSAPPENDIX B MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-1680-317-23P_150B-2. USE OF THE MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTB-3. DEFINITIONS IB-5. MAINTENANCE CATEGORIES AND WORK TIMESSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-1680-317-23P_154MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-1680-317-23P_155MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-1680-317-23P_156MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-1680-317-23P_157MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-1680-317-23P_158MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-1680-317-23P_159MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-1680-317-23P_160MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-1680-317-23P_161MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-1680-317-23P_162MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-1680-317-23P_163MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-1680-317-23P_164APPENDIX C REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST(1) Source Code(3) Recoverability Code. - TM-55-1680-317-23P_167C-4. SPECIAL INFORMATIONC-6. ABBREVIATIONSSECTION II. REPAIR PARTSDESCRIPTION - TM-55-1680-317-23P_171REPAIR PARTS(Continued) - TM-55-1680-317-23P_172REPAIR PARTS(Continued) - TM-55-1680-317-23P_173Figure C-3. Survival Kit, Individual, OverwaterDESCRIPTION - TM-55-1680-317-23P_175Figure C-4. Rigid Seat Survival Kit, Hot ClimateREPAIR PARTS(Continued) - TM-55-1680-317-23P_177Figure C-5. Rigid Seat Survival Kit, cold ClimateREPAIR PARTS(Continued) - TM-55-1680-317-23P_179Figure C-6. Rigid Seat Survival Kit, OverwaterREPAIR PARTS(Continued) - TM-55-1680-317-23P_181Figure C-7. Individual Survival Kit Vest-Type SRU-21/PREPAIR PARTS (Continued) - TM-55-1680-317-23P_183Figure C-8. Individual Survival Kit Vest-OV-1 AircraftREPAIR PARTS (Continued) - TM-55-1680-317-23P_185Figure C-9. Rigid Seat Survival KitREPAIR PARTS(Continued) - TM-55-1680-317-23P_187Figure C-10 . Survival Kit Lid AssemblyREPAIR PARTS (Continued) - TM-55-1680-317-23P_189Figure C-11. SARVIPREPAIR PARTS (Continued) - TM-55-1680-317-23P_191REPAIR PARTS (Continued) - TM-55-1680-317-23P_192REPAIR PARTS (Continued) - TM-55-1680-317-23P_193REPAIR PARTS (Continued) - TM-55-1680-317-23P_194SECTION III. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSSECTION IV. NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBERSTOCK NUMBER - TM-55-1680-317-23P_197STOCK NUMBER - TM-55-1680-317-23P_198SECTION IV. NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-55-1680-317-23P_199PART NUMBER - TM-55-1680-317-23P_200PART NUMBER - TM-55-1680-317-23P_201