TM 55-1680-316-10
(Figures 1-3,1-4,1-5; items 2, 4, and 7)
When not being used, the magnetic compass must be
stored in an upside down position to prevent
unnecessary wear on the compass pivots and jewel.
The arrow on the compass dial always points to
magnetic "NORTH". Items which contain iron or steel
and other types of compasses may cause the MC. 1
magnetic compass to give incorrect readings.
The type MC-1 pocket magnetic compass is an important aid for
finding the direction of travel. The compass is equipped with a
transparent plastic top, a long lubber line for determining direct
tions, and two lanyards attaching rings located on the bottom of the
compass case for use in attaching a retaining lanyard. To use the
compass, hold the compass erect in a manner which places the
lubber line parallel to your line of sight, or in the