TM 55-1680-316-10
Failure to remove the oxygen mask prior to water entry
may result In suffocation or drowning it you become
incapacitated or unconscious due to the mask
connector end being under water.
During descent, check parachute canopy condition, raise
visor, remove oxygen mask and disconnect it from the helmet and
CRU 60/P oxygen connector and discard it. Deploy the survival kit,
inflate the life preservers and prepare for a water landing. Inflate the
life preservers by pulling downward and slightly outward on the
activating lanyards attached to the front of each preserver cell. Fasten
the velcro tape tabs together. When the RSSK Overwater kit is
deployed by squeezing and pulling either or both handles of the Kit, the
lower container drops below the aircrew member on a 25 foot dropline.
The life raft, attached half way down the dropline, will automatically
inflate when the dropline pulls taut. Before water entry and after
deploying the seat pan assembly, release one side of your lap belt,
which will allow better mobility in the water.