TM 55-1510-222-MTF
reciprocal course index. The
should be centered and the to/
from indicator should read
h. Rotate the course card until
the direction to the station is
directly below the course in-
dex again and the to/from in-
dicator reads to.
i. Fly a 90° right turn such that
the flight path is at a 90° angle
to the direction to the station.
The VOR/localizer needle
should deflect noticeably to
the left after one or two miles
of flight (assuming the station
is 25 to 50 miles from the air-
craft ).
j. VOR range test: Achieve ade-
quate usable reception at 45
miles at 1,250 feet above sta-
tion antenna altitude.
k. VOR ground-track accuracy
test: Fly aircraft over a prede-
termined ground check point.
The maximum error shall be
TACAN - Check as follows:
a. NAV B control (audio control
panel) - Depress on and rotate
clockwise to set volume.
b. Power switch (TACAN con-
trol panel) - ON.
c. Frequency selectors (TACAN
control panel) - Set test fre-