TM 55-1510-222-MTF
b. Defective ADF control panel.
c. Defective ADF antenna.
Radio magnetic indicator does not indicate mag-
netic bearing to station with single or double
needle switch set to ADF.
a. Defective ADF receiver.
b. Defective RMI.
c. Defective ADF antenna.
d. Defective ADF-VOR switch on RMI.
e. Defective ADF control panel.
ADF single needle pointer does not return to sta-
tion bearing.
a. Defective RMI.
Quality of ADF reception is poor.
a. Defective ADF control panel.
b. Defective audio control panel.
c. Defective ADF receiver.
d. Defective antenna.
Heading on course deviation indicator does not
agree with magnetic compass heading of aircraft
(corrected for compass deviation).
a. Defective gyro compass set.
b. Incorrect compass deviation card.
Copilots radio magnetic indicator heading does
not agree with pilots horizontal situation indica-
tor heading within two degrees.
a. Defective radio magnetic indicator.
b. Defective horizontal situation indicator.
Pilots radio magnetic indicator heading does not
agree with copilots horizontal situation indicator
heading within two degrees.
a. Defective radio magnetic indicator.