TM 55-1510-222-CL
(2) Control wheel - Hold forward of mid travel. Trim wheel should run nose up after approximately 3
seconds, trim up annunciator should illuminate after approximately 8 seconds, and AP TRIM
annunciator should illuminate after approximately 13 second.
Turn controller - Check that control wheel follows in each applied direction, then center.
Pitch wheel - Check that trim responds to pitch wheel movement. (UP TRIM and DN TRIM annunciators
may illuminate).
Heading bug - Center and engage HDG. Check that control follows a turn in each direction.
Disengage AP by selecting GA. Check that AP disengages and FD commands 7 DEG nose up, wings
level attitude, and YD remains on.
Electric elevator trim - Check.
Elevator trim switch - ON.
Pilot and copilot trim switches - Check operation.
Operation of the electric trim system should occur only by movement of pairs of switches.
Any movement of the elevator trim wheel while depressing only one switch element indicates
a trim system malfunction. The electric elevator trim control switch must then be turned OFF
and flight conducted by operating the elevator trim wheel manually. Do not use autopilot.