TM 55-1510-221-10
Best angle of climb speed.
Best single-engine angle of climb speed.
Best rate of climb speed.
The best single engine rate of climb speed.
Meteorological Terminology.
Altimeter Setting
Indicated Pressure Altitude
International Standard Atmosphere in which:
Pressure Altitude
Beta Range
Cruise Climb
High Idle
Low Idle
Maximum Cruise Power
Maximum Power
Normal Rated Climb Power
Normal Rated Power
Reverse Thrust
Barometric pressure corrected to sea level.
Degrees Celsius.
Degrees Fahrenheit.
Free Air Temperature is the free air static temperature obtained either
from the temperature indicator (IFAT), adjusted for compressibility
effects, or from ground meteorlogical sources.
The number actually read from an altimeter when, the barometric scale
(Kollsman window) has been set to 29.92 inches of mercury (1013 mil-
The air is a dry perfect gas.
The temperature at sea level is 59 degrees Fahrenheit, 15
degrees Celsius.
The pressure at sea level is 29.92 inches Hg.
The temperature gradient from sea level to the altitude at which
the temperature is -69.7 degrees Fahrenheit is -0.003566 Fahren-
heit per foot and zero above that altitude.
Indicated pressure altitude corrected for altimeter error.
Sea level.
The wind velocities recorded as variables on the charts of this manual
are to be understood as the headwind or tailwind components of the
actual winds at 50 feet above runway surface (tower winds).
The region of the power lever control which is aft of the idle stop and
forward of reversing range where blade pitch angle can be changed
without a change of gas generator RPM.
Is the maximum power approved for normal climb. This power is
torque or temperature (ITT) limited.
Obtained by placing the condition lever in the HIGH IDLE position.
Obtained by placing the condition lever in the LO IDLE position.
Is the highest power rating for cruise and is not time limited.
The maximum power available from an engine for use during an emer-
gency operation.
The maximum power available from an engine for continuous normal
climb operations.
The maximum power available from an engine for continuous opera-
tion in cruise (with lower ITT limit than normal rated climb power).
Obtained by lifting the power levers and moving them aft of the beta