9-19. PROPELLER FAILURE (OVER 2080 RPM).If an overspeed condition occurs that cannot becontrolled with the propeller lever, or by reducingpower, perform the following:1.Powerlever(affectedengine)-IDLE.2.Propeller lever - FEATHER.3.Condition lever - As required.4. Propeller synchronization - OFF.5.Engine cleanup - As required.9-20. FIRE.The safety of aircraft occupants is the primaryconsideration when a tire occurs; therefore, it isimperative that every effort be made by the flightcrew to put the fire out. On the ground it is essentialthat the engines be shut down, crew evacuated, andfire fighting begun immediately. If the aircraft is air-borne when a fire occurs, the most important singleaction that can be taken by the pilot is to land safelyas soon as possible.a. Engine Fire. The following procedures shallbe performed in case of engine fire:(1.) Engine/nacelle fire during start orground operations. If engine/nacelle fire is identifiedduring start or ground operation, perform the fol-lowing:1.Propeller levers - FEATHER.2. Condition levers - FUEL CUT-OFF.3.Fire pull handle - Pull.If fire extinguisher has been used to extin-guish an engine fire, do not attempt torestart, until maintenance personnel haveinspected the aircraft and released it forflight.4.Push to extinguish switch - Push.5.Master switch - OFF.(2.)Engine fire in flight fire pull handlelight illuminated). If an engine fire is suspected inflight, perform the following:1.Power lever - IDLE.2. If fire pull handle light out isextinguished: Advance power.TM 55-1510-221-103.If fire pull handle light is still illu-minated:Enginefireinflightpro-cedures (identified) - Perform.NOTEFlight into the sun at high aircraft pitchattitude may actuate the tire warning sys-tem. Lowering the nose and/or changingheadings will confirm a warning systemfailure-caused by sun rays.(3.)Engine fire in frightengine fire is confirmed in flight,lowing:(identified). If anperform the fol-Due to the possibilities of fire warningsystem malfunctions, the fire should bevisually identified before the engine issecured and the extinguisher actuated. lever - IDLE.Propellerlever-FEATHER.Condition lever - FUEL CUT-OFF.Fire pull handle - Pull.Fire extinguisher - Actuate asrequired.Engine cleanup - Perform.b.Fuselage Fire. If a fuselage fire occurs, per-form the following:The extinguisher agent (Bromochlorodi-fluoromethane) in the fire extinguishercan produce toxic effects if inhaled.1.Fight the fire.2.Land as soon as possible.c.Wing Fire. There is little that can be doneto control a wing fire except to shut off fuel andelectrical systems that may be contributing to thefire, or which could aggravate it. Diving and slippingthe aircraft away from the burning wing may help.If a wing fire occurs, perform the following:1.Perform engine shutdown on affectedside.9-9
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