TM 55-1510-221-10
extended exposure to flight conditions more severe than
those for which the airplane has been certificated.
(b) Avoid abrupt and excessive maneuvering
that may exacerbate control difficulties
(f) Do not cxtend flaps during extended
icing conditions. Operations with flaps
extended can result in a reduced angle-of-attack. with the
possibility of ice forming on the upper surface further aft
on the wing than normal. possibly aft of the protected area.
(c) Do not engage the autopilot.
(d) If the autopilot is engaged. hold the control
wheel firmly and disengage the autopilot.
(e) If an unusual roll response or
uncommanded roll control movement is observed, reduce
the angle-of-attack.
(g) If the flaps are extended. do not retract
them until the airframe is clear of ice.
(h) Report these weather conditions to air
traffic control.
The following guide should be used in accomplishinp
required passenger briefings. Items that do not pertain to a
specific mission may be omitted.
a. Crew introduction.
b. Equipment.
1. Personal, to include ID tags.
2. Professional (medical equipment. etc.).
3. Survival.
c. Flight data.
1. Route.
2. Altitude.
3. Time enroute.
4. Weather.
d. Normal procedures.
1. Entry and exit of aircraft.
2. Seating and seat position.
3. Seat belts.
4. Movement in aircraft.
5. Internal communications.
6. Security of equipment.
7. Smoking
8. Oxygen.
9. Refueling.
10. Weapons and prohibited items.
11. Protective masks.
12. Toilet
e. Emergency procedures.
1. Emergency exits.
2. Emergency equipment
3. Emergency landing/ditching procedures.
The following is a guide that should be used as
applicable in accomplishing the required crew briefing
prior to
takeoff. However. if the crew has operated
together previously and the pilot is certain that the copilot
understands all items of the briefing. he may omit the
briefing by stating standard briefing. when the briefing is
called for during the BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECK.
a. ATC clearance - Review.
1. Routing
Change 5
8-29/(8-30 blank)