TM 55-1510-221-10
2. POWER levers - IDLE.
3. Propeller levers - HIGH RPM.
4. Flaps - UP.
5. Gear - UP.
6. Airspeed - V mo.
7. Ice & rain switches - As requited.
8. Recognition lights - As required.
b. Descent - Max Rate (Landing Configuration).
If required to descend at a low airspeed (e.g., to
conserve airspace or in turbulence), approach flaps
and landing gear may be extended to increase the
rate and angle of descent while maintaining the
slower airspeed. To perform the maximum rate of
descent in landing configuration, perform the follow-
1. Cabin pressurization - Set. Adjust CABIN CON-
TROLLER dial as requited and adjust RATE con-
trol knob so that cabin descent rate equals
one-third aircraft descent rate.
2. POWER levers - IDLE.
3. Propeller levers - HIGH RPM.
4. Flaps - APPROACH.
5. Gear - DN.
6. Airspeed - 180 KIAS maximum.
7. Ice & rain switches - As required.
8. Recognition lights - As required.
5. Altimeters - Set to current altimeter setting.
6. Flare/chaff dispenser arm-safe switch - SAFE.
7. Flare/chaff dispenser safety pin (electronic
module) - Insert.
* 8. Crew briefing - Complete.
1. Propeller synchronization switch - OFF.
2. Autofeather switch - ARM.
3. Propeller levers - As required.
Perform the following checks prior to the final
descent for landing.
Cabin pressurization - Set. Adjust CABIN
CONTROLLER dial as required.
Ice & rain switches - As required.
Windshield anti-ice - As required.
Set windshield ANTI-ICE to normal or high as
required well before descent into icing condi-
tions or into warm moist air to aid in defogging.
Turn off windshield anti-ice when descent is
completed to lower altitudes and when heating
is no longer required. This will preclude pos-
sible wind screen distortions.
4. Recognition lights - ON.
During approach, propellers should be set to
1900 RPM to prevent glideslope interference
(ILS approach), provide better power response
during approach, and minimize attitude change
when advancing propeller levers for landing.
4. Flaps (below 198 KIAS) - APPROACH.
5. Gear - DN.
6. Landing lights - As required.
07. Brake deice - As required.
When landing
over obstacles that require a
steeper than normal approach path, or when greater
is required due to restricted runway
lengths, the Power
Approach/Precision Landing
technique should be employed as follows: Prior to
intercepting the descent path, complete the LAND-
ING check and stabilize airspeed (V ref at 1.2 times
power-off stall speed in landing configuration (V so).
After intercepting the desired approach angle main-
tain a constant descent by controlling the descent
with power and airspeed with elevator. Transition
smoothly from approach to landing attitude. Touch-
down should be made on the main gear with the
nose slightly high, with power as required to control
rate of descent for a smooth touchdown. Immedi-
ately after touchdown. allow the nosewheel to make
ground contact and apply full reverse power and
as required. If possible, remove reverse
thrust as the aircraft slows to 40 KIAS to minimize
propeller blade erosion.
Using 1.2 x V so for approach airspeed will pro-
vide increased performance and more respon-
sive controls however, performance data are not
available for approach at this slower airspeed.
Change 3