TM 55-1510-221-10
Continued pumping of handle after
GEAR DOWN position indicator lights
(3) are illuminated could damage the
drive mechanism, and prevent subsequent
gear retraction.
Landing Gear Alternate Extension Handle.
Manual landing gear extension is provided through
a manually powered system as a backup to the elec-
trically operated system. Before manually extending
the gear, make certain that the landing gear switch
is in the down position with the LANDING GEAR
RELAY circuit breaker pulled. Pulling up on the
alternate engage handle, located on the floor, and
turning it clockwise will lock it in that position.
When the alternate engage handle is pulled, the
motor is electrically disconnected from the system
and the alternate drive system is locked to the gear-
box and motor. When the alternate drive is locked
in, the chain is driven by a continuous action ratchet
which is activated by pumping the landing gear
alternate extension handle adjacent to the alternate
engage handle.
Wheel Brake System. The main wheels are
equipped with multiple-disc hydraulic brakes actu-
ated by master cylinders attached to the rudder ped-
als at the pilots and copilots position. Braking is
permitted from either set of rudder pedals. Brake
fluid is supplied to the system from the reservoir in
the nose compartment. The toe brake sections of the
rudder pedals are connected to the master cylinders
which actuate the system for the corresponding
wheels. No emergency brake system is provided.
Repeated and excessive application of brakes, with-
out allowing sufficient time for cooling to accumu-
late between applications, will cause a loss of brak-
ing efficiency, possible failure of brake or wheel
structure, possible blowout of tires, and in extreme
cases may cause the wheel and brake assembly to be
destroyed by fire.
After a manual landing gear extension
has been made, do not stow the handle, move any
landing gear controls, or reset any switches or circuit
breakers. The gear cannot be retracted manually.
After a practice manual extension, the
alternate handle may be stowed and the landing gear
retracted electrically. Rotate the alternate engage
handle counterclockwise and push it down. Stow the
handle, push in the LANDING GEAR RELAY cir-
cuit breaker on the overhead circuit breaker panel
and retract the gear in the normal manner with the
landing gear switch. Refer to Chapter 9 for emer-
gency gear extension procedures.
Dual parking brake valves are installed below
the cockpit floor. Both valves can be closed simulta-
neously by pressing both brake pedals to build up
pressure, then pulling out the handle placarded
PARKING BRAKE, on the left subpanel. Pulling
the handle full out sets the check valves in the sys-
tem and any pressure being applied by the toe
brakes is maintained. Parking brakes are released
when the brake handle is pushed in. The parking
brake may be set from either cockpit position. Park-
ing brakes shall not be set during flight.
Tires. The aircraft is equipped with dual 22
x 6.75 - 10 tubeless, 8-ply rated, rim-inflation tires
on each main gear. The nose gear is equipped with
a single 22 x 6.75 - 10, 8-ply rated, tubeless, rim-
inflated tire.
Steerable Nose Wheel. The aircraft can be
Two keys are provided in the loose tools
maneuvered on the ground by the steerable nose
and equipment bag. Both keys will fit the
wheel system. Direct linkage from the rudder pedals
locks on the cabin door, emergency hatch,
(fig. 2-8) to the nose wheel steering linkage allows
tailcone access door and the right and left
the nose wheel to be turned 12° to the left of center
nose avionics compartment doors.
or 14° to the right. When rudder pedal steering is
augmented by the main wheel braking action, the
nose wheel can be deflected up to 48° either side of
center. Shock loads which would normally be trans-
mitted to the rudder pedals are absorbed by a spring
mechanism in the steering linkage. Retraction of the
landing gear automatically centers the nose wheel
and disengages the steering linkage from the rudder