TM 55-1510-221-10
Figure 6-2. Chart C - Basic Weight and Balance Record, DD Form 365-3
7. Ref 6. Not applicable to RC-12H aircraft.
Ref 7. Enter the number of gallons, weight
and sum of mom/100 figures for takeoff
fuel. The weight of fuel used in warm up and
taxiing should not be included. If JP-4 fuel
at a density of 6.5 Lb/Gal is being used, use
Fuel Moments Table (Table 6-2) to deter-
mine fuel weight and mom/ 100 figures. If
other than JP-4 is being used, use the follow-
ing procedures to obtain accurate fuel weight
and mom/100 figures from the Fuel Moment
Chart and to record information on Form F.
Assume 6.7 Lb/Gal for JP-5 fuel or 6.0
Lb/Gal for AVGAS.
Multiply the total number of gallons of
fuel in the aircraft times the computed
f u e l d e n s i t y f i g u r e a n d t h e r e by
determine actual fuel weight.
Use Fuel Moment Table (Table 6-2) to
determine mom/ 100 figure.
d. Enter the weight and corresponding
mom/100 figure in the corresponding
columns of Ref 7. Also, enter a figure
for the total fuel gallons known to be in
the aircraft.
9. Ref 8. Not applicable to RC-12H aircraft.
Ref 9. Enter sum of weights and moments
for reference 4 through reference 8 opposite
TAKEOFF CONDITION (uncorrected).
Ref 10. Enter TAKEOFF C.G. (uncorrected)
as determined from weight and moment
values of reference 9.
Check WEIGHT figure opposite Ref 10 against
GROSS WT. TAKEOFF. Check mom/100 figure
opposite Ref 10 with Center-of-Gravity Limits
Table (Table 6-4) to ascertain that CG is within
allowable limits.
Ref 11. If changes in amount or distribution
of loads are required, indicate necessary
adjustments by proper entries in CORREC-
TIONS table. Enter a brief description of
adjustment made in column marked ITEM.
Add all weight and moment decreases and
insert totals in space opposite TOTAL
WEIGHT REMOVED. Add all weight and
moment increase and insert totals in space
tract smaller from larger of two totals and
enter differences (with applicable + or -
sign) opposite NET DIFFERENCE. Transfer
these NET DIFFERENCE figures to spaces
opposite Ref 11.