If COLD alternates with the figure of
merit display, the GPS is performing a
cold start.
Data selector switch - STAT.
The number of satellites (SAT) being ac-
quired and tracked can be observed. Esti-
mated position error (EPE) and figure of
merit (FM) can be monitored. The GPS
will be ready for use when SAT 3 or SAT
4 is displayed on STAT page 1.
8. Select page 2 of STAT.
Check almanac age (ALM).
If greater than 5000 hours,
force a cold start.
9. While the GPS is acquiring
satellites, periodically check
STAT page 1 for SAT 3 or
SAT 4 message. Figure of
merit (FM) is another indi-
cation of a converging posi-
tion fix and can be directly
monitored from page 1 of
any data selection, where
FM alternates with the sys-
tem map datum and other
SAT 3 or SAT 4 should be
displayed within five min-
utes. If not, check that posi-
groundspeed have been en-
tered correctly. Also check
that satellites are available.
If all information is correct
and satellites are available,
force a cold start.
(b.) GPS Quick Start.
Mode selector switch - Set to
NAV directly from OFF. Af-
ter power-on test has been
completed, the GPS uses ve-
locity estimates from the air-
crafts sensors (if available).
If velocity is not available
from the aircraft, zero veloc-
ity is assumed. If position
and time are not available
from the aircraft, the posi-
tion estimate from GPS
TM 55-1510-221-10
memory is used, and the in-
ternal low power time source
(LPTS) is used to initialize
As the GPS is acquiring sat-
ellites, position, time, and
velocity estimates can be
checked to ensure that they
are within startup error lim-
its. If so, monitor STAT
page 1. If not, a normal start
is required.
After SAT 4 is achieved with
good EPE (Estimated Posi-
tion Error), and FM (Figure
of Merit) of FM3 or below,
check position, velocity, and
GPS is now ready for nor-
mal navigation.
(c.) GPS Cold Start.
Mode selector switch - INIT.
2. Data selector switch - OPT.
Slew key - Select page 4.
Enter 04 on line 1.
Line select key 2 - Press next
to COLD START to initiate.
Line select key 3 - Press next
to COLD START to clear
cold start message and re-
sume normal display.
Mode selector switch - NAV.
CHAALS Use of GPS and INS.
(1.) CHAALS Concept. CHAALS (Coher-
ent High Accuracy Airborne Location System), is an
emitter location system that provides timely, high
accuracy locations required for targeting and to sup-
port emitter associations and battlefield situation as-
sessment. CHAALS provides this capability through
coherent processing of differential doppler (DD) and
time difference of arrival (TDOA) information re-
ceived at a ground facility from the aircraft.
CHAALS receivers aboard the aircraft will re-
ceive and digitize emitter signals. The data will be
transmitted over the data link to the GR/CS inte-
grated processing facility (IPF). There, CHAALS
processors will perform the required computations
to produce accurate emitter locations. The precise
navigation required will be provided by the inertial
navigation system (INS) and the global positioning
system (GPS). GPS also provides the primary means
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