TM 55-1510-221-10
be evenly distributed in azimuth
around the aircraft.
to nearest tenth of a degree. Release keys 3 and 9.
Left display reverts to true heading.
15. Waypoint thumbwheel - Set to
number of first TACAN station to
be used. Observe selected station
number is displayed on the TO
side of FROM-TO data display.
16. Update GPS.
(e.) Ground speed: Data selector -
TK/GS. Observe ground speed appears in right data
display to nearest knot.
(f.) Ground track angle: Data selec-
tor - TK/GS. Observe ground track angle appears in
left data display to nearest tenth of a degree.
Switching from aided to unaided iner-
tial operation.
Data selector - DSRTK/STS.
light illuminates; 000005 appears
in right data display.
(g.) Drift angle: Data selector -
HDG/DA. Observe drift angle appears in right data
display to nearest degree.
Wind speed and direction: Data
selector - WIND. Wind direction appears in left data
display to nearest degree and wind speed appears in
right display to nearest knot.
3. INSERT/ADVANCE pushbutton
ADVANCE pushbutton
extinguishes. Data display returns
to normal with 5 appearing in
first digit of right display.
(i.) Desired track angle: Data selec-
tor - DSRTK/STS. Observe desired track angle in
right data display to nearest degree.
Track angle error: Data selector
- XTK/TKE. Observe track angle error appears in
right data display to nearest degree.
Benefits of previous aiding are main-
tained but no additional automatic
updates will be made.
Cross track distance: Data selec-
tor -
XTK/TKE. Observe cross track distance
appears in left data display to nearest nautical mile.
To obtain readouts from INS:
(l.) Distance and time to next
waypoint: Data selector - DIS/TIME. Observe dis-
tance to next waypoint, shown in TO side of
FROM-TO display, appears in left data display to
nearest nautical mile. Observe time to reach
waypoint at present ground speed appears in
data display to nearest tenth of a minute.
The computer is assumed to be in the
NAV mode for all data displays.
(m.) Extra precision geographic
(a.) System status: Data selector -
DSRTK/STS. Observe numbers indicating system
status appear in right data display.
ent position display:
(b.) Geographic present position:
Data selector - L/L POS. Observe latitude and longi-
tude of present position appear in left and right data
displays, respectively. Both displays are to tenth of
a minute.
Data selector - L/L POS.
Latitude and longitude of
present position, to nearest
tenth of a minute, appears in
left and right data displays,
(c.) UTM position: Data selector -
UTM POS. Observe northing and zone with easting
of present position appear in left and right displays,
respectively. Both displays are in kilometers.
True heading and MAG heading:
Data selector - HDG/DA. Observe aircraft true
heading appears in left data display to nearest tenth
of a degree. Press and hold keys 3 and 9 simulta-
neously. MAG heading appears in left data display
button - Press. Observe arc-
seconds related to present
position latitude and longi-
tude, to nearest tenth of a
second, appear in left and
right data displays, respec-
(n.) Geographic present inertial posi-
tion display.
Data selector - L/L WY PT.