TM 55-1510-221-10
The navigation equipment group provides the
pilot and copilot with instrumentation required to
establish and maintain an accurate flight course and
position, and to make an approach on instruments
under Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC).
The navigation configuration includes equipment
for determining attitude, position, destination range
and bearing, heading reference and groundspeed.
Description. The pilot and copilot are each
provided with identical radio magnetic indicators
(RMI) (fig. 3-9) located on the instrument panel
(fig. 2-29). Each unit serves as a navigational aid for
the respective user and, by means of individual
source select switches, will display aircraft magnetic
or directional gyro heading and VOR, TACAN, INS
or ADF bearing information. The pilots RMI is
protected by the 1-ampere No.1 RMI circuit breaker
on the overhead circuit breaker panel (fig. 2-26) and
the 3.0-ampere F13 fuse on the No.1 junction box.
The copilots RMI is protected by the 1-ampere
No.2 RMI circuit breaker on the overhead circuit
breaker panel and the 3.0-ampere F9 fuse on the
No.1 junction box.
b. Controls and Functions.
Pilots COMPASS No. 1 - No.2 switch.
Selects desired source of magnetic heading informa-
tion for display on pilots HSI and copilots RMI.
(a.) No.1. Selects compass system
No.1 for display control.
(b.) No.2. Selects compass system
No.2 for display control.
(2.) Copilots
No. l-No.2
switch. Selects desired source of magnetic heading
information for display on copilots HSI and pilots
(a.) No.1. Selects compass system
No.1 for display.
(b.) No.2. Selects compass system
No.2 for display.
(3.) RMI select switch. Selects which of
two signals will be displayed on respective RMI sin-
Figure 3-9. Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI) (332C-10)