TM 55-1510-221-10
b. Controls/Indicators and Functions.
(1.) 10 MHz selector. Selects receiver-
transmitter frequency in increments of 10 MHz
from 30 to 150 MHz. Clockwise rotation increases
10 MHz indicator. Indicates manually
selected receiver-transmitter frequency in 10 MHz
increments from 30 to 150 MHz.
(3.) 1.0 MHz selector. Selects receiver-
transmitter frequency in 1.0 MHz increments.
Clockwise rotation increases frequency.
(4.) I.0 MHz indicator. Indicates manu-
ally selected receiver-transmitter frequency in 1.0
MHz increments.
(5.) 0.1 MHz indicator. Indicates manu-
ally selected receiver-transmitter frequency in 0.1
MHz increments.
(6.) 0.1 MHz selector. Selects receiver-
transmitter frequency in 0.1 MHz increments.
Clockwise rotation increases frequency.
0.025 MHz indicator. Indicates manu-
ally selected receiver-transmitter frequency in 0.025
MHz increments,
(8.) 0.025 MHz selector. Selects receiver-
transmitter frequency in 0.025 MHz increments.
Clockwise rotation increases frequency.
(9.) Preset CHAN indicator. Indicates
selected preset channel.
(10.) Preset CHAN selector. Selects preset
channel from 1 to 20. Clockwise rotation increases
number selected.
Preset channels freq. list. Writing area
to keep track of preset channels,
(12.) LOCKOUT FM-AM switch. Screw-
driver adjustable three-position switch. Warning
tone announces lockout.
Center. Selects AM or FM band.
AM. Shuts off AM band.
FM. Shuts off FM band.
(13.) FM SQUELCH control. Screwdriver
adjustable potentiometer. Squelch fully overdriven
at full counterclockwise position. Clockwise rotation
increases input signal required to open squelch.
(14.) WB-NB-MEM LOAD switch. Three-
position switch.
NB. Limits selectivity to narrow-
band intermediate frequency.
(b.) WB. Limits selectivity to wide-
band intermediate frequency of FM band.
( c . ) M E M L O A D.
switch. If pressed, loads manually selected frequency
in preset channel memory.
(15.) AM SQUELCH control. Screwdriver
adjustable potentiometer. Squelch fully overridden
at full counterclockwise position. Clockwise rotation
increases input signal required to open squelch.
(16.) Mode selector switch. Three-position
rotary switch.
(a.) OFF. Shuts
(b.) TR. Selects transmit/receive
(c.) DF. Not operational.
(I 7.) SQ-DIS-TONE select switch. Three-
position switch.
(a.) Center. Selects squelch function.
(b.) SQ-DIS. Shuts off squelch func-
(c.) TONE. T r a n s m i t s t o n e of
approximately 1000 Hz.
(18.) Frequency control/emergency select
switch. Three-position switch.
(a.) PRE. Enables preset channel
MAN. Enables manual frequency
(c.) EMER-AM-FM. Selects a pre-
stored guard channel.
(19.) VOL control. Clockwise rotation
increases volume.
c. Normal Operation.
(1.) Turn-on procedure: Mode selector
switch (VHF AM-FM control panel, fig. 3-5) -TR.
Receiver operating procedure:
Frequency control emergency
selector switch (fig. 3-5) -MAN or
PRE, as desired.
2. Transmitter-interphone selector
switch (audio control panel, fig.