CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-55-1510-221-10_171-11. AIRCRAFT DESIGNATION SYSTEM.CHAPTER 2 AIRCRAFT AND SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONFigure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 5)Figure 2-7. General Exterior Arrangement (Sheet 3 of 5)Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement (Sheet 5 of 5)Figure 2-2. General Interior ArrangementFigure 2-3. Principal DimensionsFigure 2-4. Ground Turning RadiusFigure 2-5. Exhaust and Propeller Danger AreasFigure 2-6. Subpanelsa. Landing Gear Down Position-Indicator LightsFigure 2-7. Control Pedestal2-8. PARKING BRAKE - TM-55-1510-221-10_32Figure 2-8. Cockpita. Cabin DoorFigure 2-9. Cabin and Cargo Doors2-10. WINDOWS - TM-55-1510-221-10_36Figure 2-10. Pilot and Copilot Seats - TM-55-1510-221-10_37Figure 2-10. Pilot and Copilot Seats - TM-55-1510-221-10_37_copy1Section III. ENGINES AND RELATED SYSTEMS - TM-55-1510-221-10_38Figure 2-11. PT6A-41 Engine (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-11. PT6A-41 Engine (Sheet 2 of 2)2-20. ENGINE ICE PROTECTION SYSTEMS2-23. CONDITION LEVERSTable 2-1. Engine Fire Extinguisher Gage Pressure2-30. AUTOIGNITION SYSTEMSection IV. FUEL SYSTEMFigure 2-13. Fuel System SchematicFigure 2-14. Fuel Management PanelFigure 2-15. Crossfeed Fuel FlowFigure 2-16. Gravity Feed Fuel FlowTable 2-2. Fuel Quantity Data(3.) Fuel transfer control switchesTable 2-3. Fuel Sump Drain Locations2-38. RUDDER SYSTEM.Figure 2- 17. Control WheelsFigure 2- 18. Control LocksSection VI. PROPELLERS2-43. FEATHERING PROVISIONS.2-46. PROPELLER SYNCHROPHASERSection VII. UTILITY SYSTEMS2-52. ANTENNA DEICING SYSTEM2-54. PITOT AND STALL WARNING HEAT SYSTEM.2-56. BRAKE DEICE SYSTEM2-59. PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM2-60. OXYGEN SYSTEM.Figure 2- 19. Oxygen System SchematicTable 2-4. Oxygen Flow Planning Rates vs AltitudeTable 2-5. Oxygen Duration In Minutes 140 Cubic Foot SystemFigure 2-20. Cylinder Capacity vs Pressure and Temperature2-63. WINDSHIELD WIPERSSection VIII. HEATING, VENTILATION, COOLING, AND ENVIRONMENTAL Control SystemFigure 2-2 1. Environmental System(4.) Cabin temperature mode selector switch2-70. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM2-72. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS.c. Automatic Mode Control.Section IX. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMFigure 2-22. DC Electrical System (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 2-22. DC Electrical System (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 2-22. DC Electrical System (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 2-23. Single Phase AC Electrical SystemFigure 2-24. Three Phase AC Electrical System Figure 2-25. Mission Equipment DC Power System2-75. AC POWER SUPPLY.Figure 2-26. Overhead Circuit Breaker PanelSection X. LIGHTINGFigure 2-27. Exterior Lighting2-78. EMERGENCY LIGHTING.Section Xl. FLIGHT INSTRUMENTSFigure 2-28. Pitot and Static SystemFigure 2-29. lnstrument Panel (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-29. lnstrument Panel (Sheet 2 of 2)Table 2-6. Warning Annunciator Panel LegendTable 2- 7. Caution/Advisory Annunciator Panel Legend (Sheet 1 of 2)Table 2-7. Caution/Advisory Annunciator Panel Legend (Sheet 2 of 2)Table 2-8. Mission Control Panel Annunciator LegendFigure 2-30. Servicing LocationsTable 2-9. Approved Military Fuels, Oil, Fluids, and Unit CapacitiesTable 2- 10. Approved FuelsTable 2-11. Standard Alternate and Emergency Fuels2-95. SERVICING OIL SYSTEMTable 2- 12. Recommended Fluid Dilution Chart2-101. APPLICATION OF EXTERNAL POWERFigure 2-31. Oxygen System Servicing Pressure2-103. GROUND HANDLING.2-104. PARKING.Figure 2-32. Parking, Covers, Ground Handling, and Towing Equipmenta. Mooring ProvisionsFigure 2-33. Mooring the AircraftCHAPTER 3 AVIONICSSection II. COMMUNICATIONSFigure 3-1. Audio Control Panel (Typical Pilot, Copilot)3-7. MARKER BEACON AUDIO CONTROL PANELFigure 3-2. Marker Beacon Audio Control PanelFigure 3-3. UHF Control panel (AN/ARC- 164)If function selector is at MAIN setting3-8A. UHF COMMAND SET (AN/ARC-164)c. Normal Operation. - TM-55-1510-221-10_117Figure 3-2. UHF Control Panel (AN/ARC-164)3-10. VHF-AM COMMUNlCATlONS (VHF-206)Figure 3-4. VHF-AM Control Panel (VHF-20B)Figure 3-5. VHF AM-FM Control Panel (AN/ARC-186)b. Controls/Indicators and Functions.3-12. VOICE SECURITY SYSTEM TSEC/KY-28 (PROVISIONS ONLY)TM-55-1510-221-10_1253-13. VOICE SECURITY SYSTEM TSEC/KY-58 (PROVISIONS ONLY).3-14. HF COMMUNICATION SET (KHF-950)Figure 3-7. HF Control Panel (KCU-951)(3.) Direct frequency tuning (Simplex only)3-15. EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER (ELT)Figure 3-8. Emergency Locator Transmitter (Narco 03716-0300)Section III. NAVIGATION3-18. HORIZONTAL SITUATION INDICATORSb. Controls/Indicators and Functions Figure 3-11. Copilots Horizontal Situation Indicator (RD-550)3-19. PILOTS ATTITUDE DIRECTOR INDICATOR.Figure 3-12. Pilots Attitude Director Indicator3-20. COPILOTS GYRO HORIZON INDICATOR.Figure 3-13. Copilots Gyro Horizon Indicator (GH-14B)3-22. GYROMAGNETIC COMPASS SYSTEMS.3-23. ALTITUDE SELECT CONTROLLERFigure 3-16. Radio Altimeter Indicator (RA-315)Figure 3-17. NAV 1 - NAV 2 Control Panel (VIR-30AGM, VIR-30AG)3-26. MARKER BEACON RECEIVER.3-27. AUTOMATIC DIRECTION FINDER (DF-203).b. Controls and Functions (ADF Control Panel)3-28. TACAN SYSTEMS.Figure 3-19. TACAN Control Panel (AN/ARN-136)e. (Non-INS dedicated) TACAN Operation3-29. AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMFigure 3-21. Flight Director Modes and AnnunciatorsFigure 3-22. Flight Director Mode Selector (MS- 500)9.) Altitude Hold Mode (ALT).Figure 3-23. Autopilot Controller(3.) Autopilot DisengagementTable 3-1, Autopilot System Limits (Sheet 1 of 2)Table 3-1, Autopilot System Limits (Sheet 2 of 2)3-30. INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM.Figure 3-24. INS Mode Selector UnitFigure 3-25. INS Control Display Unit(11.) AUTO-MAN TEST switch. d. INS - Normal Operating Procedures(2.) Insert present position(b.) To insert geographic coordinates(3.) Verify UTM Grid Coefficients(5.) To program destinations or TACAN coordinatesTABLE 3-2. VARIOUS VALUES FOR UTM GRID COEFFICIENTS(b.) Insertion of geographic waypoint coordinates(6.) To insert TACAN coordinatesThe computer will convert coordinates in overlap area(b.) Insertion of geographic TACAN station data(7.) Designating fly-to destinations(8.) To fly selected INS course(10.) Switching from aided to unaided inertial operation(o.) UTM present inertial position display(r.) Distance to any TACAN station(t.) TACAN station data(a.) Normal geographic present posi- tion check and update(b.) Extra precision geographic pres- ent position check and update(c.) UTM present position check and update(d.) Position update eradication(13.) Flight course changes(2.) Automatic INS shutdown(d.) CDU BAT indicator light is illustratedTable 3-3. Malfunction Code CheckTable 3-4. Malfunction Indications and ProceduresTable 3-5. Action Codes and Recommended ActionsTable 3-6. Recommended Codes3-30A. GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (AN/ASN-149, (B)3).Figure 3-25A. GPS Control/Display Unit (CDU)Figure 3-25B. Observer Headset and GPS Key Panelc. GPS System Modes of Operation.(b.) GPS Quick Start(2.) GPS (and INS) InvolvementSection IV. TRANSPONDER AND RADAR3-32. TRANSPONDER SET (APX-100).Figure 3-26. Weather Radar Control-Indicator (AN/APN-215)Figure 3-27. Transponder Control Panel (AN/APX - 100)c. Transponder - Normal Operation - TM-55-1510-221-10_199(4.) Transponder set identification-position d. Transponder - Emergency Operation. Not operating procedureFigure 3-28. Pilots Altimeter Indicator (BA-141)3-34. COPILOTS ENCODING ALTIMETERFigure 3-29. Copilots Encoding AltimeterCHAPTER 4 Mission EquipmentFigure 4- 1. Mission Control PanelFigure 4-2. Flare Dispense Switchb. Normal OperationFigure 4-3. Flare Dispenser Control Panel4-4. SYSTEM DAILY PREFLIGHT/RE-ARM TESTWhen the MANUAL SYSTEM RESET switch is pressed and releasedWhen the TEST SEQUENCE switch is turned 4-5. AMMUNITION.4-6. RADAR SIGNAL DETECTING SET (AN/APR- 39(V)1).Figure 4-5. Radar Signal Detecting Set IndicatorThe radar warning receiver CHAPTER 5 Operating Limits and RestrictionsFigure 5-1 Instrument Markings (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 3 of 3)5-9. AUTOPILOT LIMITATIONS.Section ill. POWER LlMlTSTable 5-1. Operating LimitsSection IV. LOADING LIMITSFigure 5-2. Flight Envelope - TM-55-1510-221-10_225Section VI. MANUEVERING LIMITS5-30B. ICING LIMITATIONS (SEVERE)Section VIII. OTHER LIMITATIONSSection IX. REQUIRED EQUIPMENT FOR VARIOUS CONDITIONS OF FLIGHTFigure 5-4. Required Equipment Listing (1 of 3)Figure 54. Required Equipment Listing (2 of 3)Figure 5-4. Required Equipment Listing (3 of 3)CHAPTER 6 WEIGHT/BALANCE AND LOADINGFigure 6-1. Aircraft Compartments and Stations6-8. BALANCE DEFINITIONS.Figure 6-2. Chart C - Basic Weight and Balance Record, DD Form 365-3Figure 6-3. Weight and Balance Clearance, DD Form 365-4 (Tactical)Table 6-1. Occupants Useful Load, Weights and MomentsF U E L D E N S I T Y / W E I G H T v s T E M P E R A T U R ETable 6-2. Fuel Center-of-Gravity MomentsTable 6-3. Survivability Equipment Weights and MomentsTable 6-4. Center-of-Gravity Moments (sheet 1 of 3)Table 6-4. Center-of-Gravity Moments (sheet 2 of 3)Table 6-4. Center-of-Gravity Moments (sheet 3 of 3)Table 6-5. C.G. Limits (Landing Gear Down) - Restricted CategorySection III. FUEL/OILC H A P T E R 7 P E R F O R M A N C E7-l. INTRODUCTION TO PERFORMANCE7-7. ACCELERATE-STOP (FLAPS 0%).Figure 7-1. Takeoff Flight Path7-14. ZERO FUEL WEIGHT LIMITATION.Figure 7-2. Airspeed Correction - Normal SystemFigure 7-3. Altimeter Correction - Normal SystemFigure 7-4. Airspeed Calibration - Alternate System Figure 7-5. Altimeter Correction - Alternate System Figure 7-6. Free Air Temperature CorrectionFigure 7-7. ISA ConversionFigure 7-8. Farenheit to Celsius Temperature Conversion Figure 7-9. Minimum Takeoff Power at 2000 RPMFigure 7-10. Maximum Takeoff Weight Permitted by Enroute Climb RequirementFigure 7-11. Takeoff Weight - Flaps 0%, To Achieve Positive One-Engine Climb at Lift-OffFigure 7-12. Takeoff Weight - Flaps 40%, To Achieve Positive One-Engine Climb at Lift-Off Flaps 40%Figure 7-13. Wind ComponentsFigure 7-14. Takeoff Distance - Flaps 0%Figure 7-15. Accelerate-Stop - Flaps 0%Figure 7-16. Accelerate-Go Distance Over 50FT Obstacle - Flaps 0%Figure 7-17. Takeoff Climb Gradient - One-Engine-Inoperative - Flaps 0%Figure 7-18. Takeoff Distance - Flaps 40%Figure 7-19. Accelerate-Stop - Flaps 40%Figure 7-20. Accelerate-Go Distance Over 50-FT Obstacle - Flaps 40%Figure 7-21. Takeoff Climb Gradient - One-Engine-Inoperative - Flaps 40%Figure 7-22. Climb Two-Engine - Flaps 0%Figure 7-23. Climb Two-Engine - Flaps 40%Figure 7-24. Climb One-Engine InoperativeFigure 7-25. Service Ceiling One-engine-InoperativeFigure 7-26. Time, Fuel, and Distance to Cruise ClimbFigure 7-27. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA-30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-27. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA-30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-28. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA-20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-28. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA-20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-29. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA- 10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-29. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA- 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-30. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-30. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-37. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA+ 10C (Sheer 1 of 2)Figure 7-31. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA+ 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-32. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA+20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-32. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA+20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-33. Maximum Cruise Power 7900 RPM ISA+30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-33. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA+30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-34. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA+37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-34. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM ISA+37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-35. Maximum Cruise Speeds 1900 RPMFigure 7-36. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPMFigure 7-37. Fuel Flow At Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPMFigure 7-38. Range Profile - Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPMFigure 7-39. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA-30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-39. Maximum Range Power 7700 RPM ISA-30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-40. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA-20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-40. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA-20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-41. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA- 10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-41. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA- 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-42. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-42. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-43. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA+10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-43. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA+ 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-44. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA+20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-44. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA+20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-45. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA+3OC (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-45. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA+3OC (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-46. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA+37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-46. Maximum Range Power 1700 RPM ISA+37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-47. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA-30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-47. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA-30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-48. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA-20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-48. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA-20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-49. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA-10 (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-49. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA-10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-50. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-50. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-51. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA+ 10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-51. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA+ 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-52, Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA+20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-52. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA+20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-53. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA+3OC (Sheet I of 2)Figure 7-53. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA+30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-54. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA+37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-54. Maximum Endurance Power 1700 RPM ISA+37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-55. Range Profile - Long Range Power 1700 RPM Figure 7-56. Range Profile - 542 Gallons Useable FuelFigure 7-57. Endurance Profile - 542 Gallons Usable Fuel Figure 7-58. Time, Fuel, And Distance to DescendFigure 7-59. Climb - Balked Landing Figure 7-60. Normal Landing Without Propeller Reversing - Flaps 100%Figure 7-61. Landing Distance Without Propeller Reversing - Flaps 0%C H A P T E R 8 N o r m a l P r o c e d u r e s8-9. CHECKLIST.13. Pitot tubes Figure 8-1. Exterior Inspection8-15. LEFT WING, AREA I8-17. LEFT ENGINE AND PROPELLER.8-21. CENTER SECTION, RIGHT SIDE8-24. RIGHT WING, AREA 3.8-27. FUSELAGE, LEFT SIDE, AREA 68-29. BEFORE STARTING ENGINESH 22. Annunciator panels8-31. SECOND ENGINE START (BATTERY START)8-34. * FIRST ENGINE START (GPU START).8-36. BEFORE TAXINGb. Autopilot.8-37. TAXIING4. Overspeed governors 8-39. BEFORE TAKEOFF8-42. AFTER TAKEOFF8-44. CRUISE8-46. DESCENT-ARRIVAL.8-49. LANDING8-51. AFTER LANDINGSection III. INSTRUMENT FLIGHTSection III. FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICSFigure 8-2. Stall SpeedSection V. ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS8-69. COLD WEATHER OPERATIONS8-70. DESERT OPERATION AND HOT WEATHER OPERATION8-71. TURBULENCE AND THUNDERSTORM OPERATION8-72A. ICING (SEVERE)Section VI. CREW DUTIES8-75. ARRIVAL BRIEFINGCHAPTER 9 EMERGENCY PROCEDURESFigure 9-1. Emergency Exits and Equipmentd. Engine Malfunction After Liftoff.g. Engine Malfunction (Second Engine)9-8. LOW OIL PRESSUREFigure 9-2. Maximum Glide Distance - TM-55-1510-221-10_3809-12. ENGINE BLEED AIR SYSTEM FAILURE9-18. SINGLE-ENGINE GO-AROUND9-20. FIRE9-21. FUEL SYSTEM9-22 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM EMERGENCIES9-24. LANDING EMERGENCIESc. Gear-up Landing (All Gear Up or Unlocked)d. Landing With Nose Gear Unsafe9-26. CRACKED WINDSHIELD9-30 FLIGHT CONTROLS MALFUNCTIONTable 9-1. DitchingFigure 9-3. Emergency Body PositionsFigure 9-4. Wind Swell Ditch Heading EvaluationAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-55-1510-221-10_395REFERENCES -cont - TM-55-1510-221-10_396APPENDIX B ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMSMeteorological Terminology.Control and Instrument Terminology.Weight and Balance Terminology. - TM-55-1510-221-10_400Miscellaneous Abbreviations. -cont