TM 55-1510-220-10
checks that the cabin is pressurizing. Both pilots check
the wings and nacelles for fuel or oil leaks. The
procedural steps after takeoff are as follows:
Gear- UP.
Flaps - UP.
Landing lights - OFF.
Climb power- Set.
PROP SYNC Switch - As required.
YAW DAMP switch - As required.
Autofeather switch - As required.
Brake de-ice - As required.
Windshield anti-ice - As required.
Turn windshield anti-ice on to normal when
passing 10,000 feet AGL or prior to
entering the freezing level (whichever
comes first). Leave on until no longer
required during descent for landing. High
temperature may be selected as required
after a minimum warm-up period of 15
Cabin pressurization Check, adjust RATE
control knob so that cabin rate-of-climb equals
one-third aircraft rate-of-climb.
(11) Wings and nacelles - Check.
(12) Flare/chaff dispenser safety pin (electronic
module) - Remove.
(13) Chaff function selector switch - As required.
8-42. CLIMB.
Cruise Climb. Cruise climb is performed at a
speed which is the best combination of climb, fuel burn-
off, and distance covered. Set propellers at 1900 RPM
and torque as required. Adhere to the following airspeed
schedule as closely as possible.
SL to 10,000 feet
144 KIAS
10,000 to 20,000 feet
134 KIAS
20,000 to 31,000 feet
123 KIAS
Climb Maximum Rate. Maximum rate of climb
performance is obtained by setting propellers at 2,000
RPM, torque at 100% (or maximum climb TGT), and
maintaining best rate-of-climb airspeed. Refer to Chapter
7 for best rate-of-climb airspeed for specific weights.
8-43. CRUISE.
Cruise power settings are entirely dependent upon the
prevailing circumstances and the type of mission being
flown. Refer to Chapter 7 for airspeed, power settings,
and fuel flow information. The following procedures are
applicable to all cruise requirements.
Power Set. Refer to the cruise power graphs
contained in Chapter 7. To account for ram air
temperature increase, it is essential that
temperature be obtained at stabilized cruise
A new engine operated at the torque value
presented in the cruise power charts will
show a TGT margin below the maximum
cruise limit. Maximum cruise power
settings for temperature and altitude
(derived from Chapter 7) if exceeded will
adversely affect engine life. With ice vanes
retracted, if cruise torque settings shown
on cruise power charts cannot be obtained
without exceeding TGT limits, the engine
should be inspected.
Ice & rain switches As required. Insure that
anti-ice equipment is activated before entering
icing conditions.
Ice vanes must be extended when
operating in visible moisture at
+5°C or less. Visible moisture is
moisture in any form (clouds, ice
crystals, snow, rain, sleet, hail, or
any combination of these).
Auxiliary fuel gages - Monitor. Insure that fuel
is being transferred from auxiliary tanks.
(Chapter 2, Section IV.)
Altimeters - Check. Verify that altimeter
Change 6 8-20