TM 55-1510-220-10
Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 6)
circuit is protected by a 5-ampere circuit breaker,
placarded LANDING GEAR IND, on the overhead circuit
breaker panel (fig. 2-27.)
Landing Gear Warning Light Test Button. A test
button, placarded HDL LT TEST, is located on the left
subpanel. Failure of the landing gear switch to
illuminate red, when this test button is pressed, indicates
two defective bulbs or a circuit fault. The circuit is
protected by a 5-ampere circuit breaker, placarded
LANDING GEAR RELAY, on the overhead circuit
breaker panel (fig. 2-27).
Landing Gear Warning Horn When either power
lever is retarded below approximately 79 to 81% N1
when the landing gear is not down and locked and if the
flaps are extended beyond 40%, a warning horn, located
in the overhead con-
trol panel will sound intermittently. To prevent the
warning horn from sounding during long descents, a
pressure differential "Q" switch is connected into the
copilot's static line. The switch prevents the warning
horn from sounding until airspeed drops below 140
KIAS. An altitude sensing switch is installed in series
with the 140 KIAS "Q" switch which prevents the
warning horn from sounding after climbing through
12,500 feet MSL. The horn will be engaged when the
aircraft descends through 10, 500 feet MSL. The
warning horn circuit is protected by a 5-ampere circuit
breaker, placarded LANDING GEAR WARN, on the
overhead circuit breaker panel (fig. 2-27).
Landing Gear Warning Horn Test Switch. The
landing gear warning horn may be tested by the test
switch on the right subpanel (fig. 2-
Change 2 2-3