TM 55-1510-219-MTF
throughout the third range marks. Note new position
of TILT control. It should not be more than two
degrees below that noted in step (5).
(11) If the differences between steps (10) and (5) or steps
(9) and (5) are greater than two degrees, recalibrate
roll stabilization circuitry to the gyro using the
following procedure:
Reset the TILT control under the flight
conditions of step (5) with stab on. Then
roll the aircraft 20° right.
If the pattern shifts to the right around the
second range mark, slowly adjust the ROLL
TRIM potentiometer until the terrain band is
displayed throughout the third range marks.
Usually a clockwise adjustment is required.
If the pattern shifts to the left around the
second range mark, slowly adjust the ROLL
TRIM potentiometer until the terrain band is
displayed throughout the third