SECTION I. INTRODUCTION - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_74. Special Instructions.h. Maintenance Test Flight Check Sheet. SECTION II. MAINTENANCE TEST FLIGHT CHECKLIST - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_10d. Fuel control panel Fuel quantity indicators f. Pitot tubes (2), stall warning vane, heated fuel vents (2), and TAS temperature probek. Parachutes - CheckINTERIOR CHECK - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_15(4) Carrier rod BEFORE STARTING ENGINES - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_177. Fuel panel switches11. Pedestal controls 16. Copilots' instrument panel18. Copilot's subpanel24. Annunciator panelsFIRST ENGINE START (BATTERY START) - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_232. Strobe beacon lights switch SECOND ENGINE START (BATTERY START) - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_25ABORT START - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_26ENGINE CLEARING - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_27SECOND ENGINE START (GPU CONNECTED) - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_28BEFORE TAXIING - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_29Verify airflow a. Pilot's and copilot's PITCH TRIM switchesg. AIL HI TORQUE test switch -TEST.The AP TRIM FAIL annunciatorDURING TAXIING - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_34ENGINE RUNUP - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_355. Engine acceleration 9. Pneumatic pressure 10. Pressurization system11. Generators and regulators 13. Autofeather system14. Propeller overspeed governors16. Auto-ignition system 19. Ice vanes LINE UP - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_44DURING TAKEOFF - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_45AFTER TAKEOFF - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_46DURING CLIMB - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_474. Surface deicing system7. Waveguide pressurization10. Cabin and cockpit ventilation system12. Air conditioning cold operation 2. Engine instrument indications10. Speed check at maximum cruise powerd. #1 and #2 ice vane switches14. Trim and rigging LOW SPEED SYSTEMS CHECK - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_563. Stall speed, stall warning, and stall characteristics (gear and flaps down, power off)5. Flap operation - Check6. Minimum elevator trim - Check10. Propeller feathering - Checkg. Engine restart.11. Propeller autofeathering system F14,15 and propeller unfeathering g. Engine cleanup12. Landing gear warning horn - Check13. Landing gear normal operationDESCENT AND LOW LEVEL CRUISE - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_662. Elevator trimDESCENT-ARRIVAL - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_68LANDING - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_69GO-AROUND - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_70ENGINE SHUTDOWN - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_71BEFORE LEAVING AIRCRAFT - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_729. Walk-around inspection - Com- E8-10,24 plete10. Aircraft forms - Complete.SECTION III. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_75A5. Engine fails to light upe. Defective ignition cable.TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE B - INSTRUMENTS - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_78B7. Fuel quantity gauge pegs down scale against stop.B10. Turbine gas temperature indicator inoperative or indicates inaccurately.TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE C - ELECTRICAL - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_81C7. No power indicated with battery master switch ONC12. External power fails to energize aircraft.C16. Landing gear circuit breaker trips.C21. All landing gear position indicators and switches inoperative.C29. Landing gear fails to retract.C36. Stall warning system inoperative.C43. Standby fuel pump inoperativeC50. Ventilation blower will not runC56. Propeller deicer inoperativeTROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE D - ANNUNCIATOR PANEL - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_91TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE E - POWER PLANT - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_92E6. Fluctuating engine oil pressure - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_93E11. Failure of engine to decelerateE16. Flame outE19. Maximum operating TGT has been exceeded.E23. Fluctuating TGT, gas generator speed, and fuel flow.TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE F - PROPELLERS - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_98F6. One autofeather arm light illuminates when power setting is less than 90 percent NI (AUTOFEATHER switch in ARM position)F14. Propeller slow to feather or unfeather.F18. Propeller surges.TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE G - HYDRAULIC - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_102TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE H - FLIGHTCONTROLSTROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE J - VIBRATIONS - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_105TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE K - COMMUNICATION/NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_106K8. Cannot establish VHF two-way communications.K14. Marker beacon indicator light does not illuminate. - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_108K20. ADF radio set inoperative. - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_109K28. VOR receiver inoperative. - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_110K32. Radar antenna does not scan.K40. Radar range does not vary when RANGE switch is changed to various positions.SECTION IV. SPECIAL PROCEDURES - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_113B. TRIM AND RIGGINGTM-55-1510-219-MTF_115D. SPEED CHECK AT MAXIMUM CRUISE POWER.Maximum Cruise Speed/ Engine Acceptance chart E. ENGINE ACCEPTANCE AT MAXIMUM CRUISE POWER.F. AVIONICS FLIGHT CHECKSf. Check autopilot VOR/ILS operation Satisfactory performance shall be demonstrated(2) INSERT/ADVANCE key - Depressc. Ground track angle and ground speedPROCEDURE TROUBLESHOOTING REFERENCE - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_125f. Latitude and longitude position - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_126h. Magnetic variationj. Distance to any TACAN stationk. Wind Speed and direction l. UTM Position - Check m. UTM Inertial Positionn. Leg Switching o. Automatic Leg Switchingb. Receiver and transmitter facilities c. Receiver/transmitter selectors - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_1357. UHF radio set - Check 9. HF radio set - Checke. Frequency accuracy - Check 10. ADF radio set - Checkj. Mode selector switch11. Marker beacon/glideslope receiver12. VOR receiver - CheckPROCEDURE TROUBLESHOOTING REFERENCE - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_14313. TACAN - Check k. TACAN range test14. Transponder set - Check16. Radar set - Check c. Test procedureThe pitch and roll output levels from the vertical gyro(9) If the terrain band shifts(11) If the differences between steps (12) Ground mapping operating procedureSECTION V. CHARTS AND FORMSFigure 1. Rudder Boost Actuation Factors - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_154Figure 2. Propeller Low Pitch Stop - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_155Figure 3. Stall Speeds - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_156Figure 4. Autofeather Time - TM-55-1510-219-MTF_157Figure 5. Airspeeds For Vmo DiveFigure 6. Maximum Cruise Speed / Engine Acceptance