TM 55-1510-219-10
AUTO FEATHER, located on the overhead circuit breaker
panel (fig. 2-26).
Two governors (a constant speed governor, and
an overspeed governor) control propeller RPM. The
constant speed governor, mounted on top of the propeller
reduction housing, controls the propeller through its entire
range. The propeller control lever operates the propeller
by means of this governor. If the constant speed
governor should malfunction and request more than 2000
RPM, the overspeed governor cuts in at 2080 RPM and
dumps oil from the propeller to limit RPM. A solenoid,
actuated by the PROP GOV TEST switch located on the
overhead control panel (fig. 2-18), is provided to reset
the overspeed governor to approximately 1830 to 1910
RPM for test purposes. If the propeller sticks or moves
too slowly to prevent an overspeed condition, the power
turbine governor, contained within the constant speed
governor housing, acts as a fuel topping governor. When
the propeller reaches 2120 RPM, the fuel topping
governor limits the fuel flow to the gas generator, thereby
reducing the power driving the propeller. During
operation in the reverse range, the power turbine
governor is reset to approximately 95% propeller RPM
before the propeller reaches a negative pitch angle. This
insures that the engine power is limited to maintain a
propeller RPM of somewhat less than that of the constant
speed governor setting. The constant speed governor
will, therefore, always sense an underspeed condition and
direct oil pressure to the propeller servo piston to permit
propeller operation in beta and reverse range.
Two two-position switches on the overhead
control panel (fig. 2-18), are provided for operational
testing of the propeller systems. Placarding above the
switches reads PROP GOV TEST. Each switch controls
test circuits for the corresponding propeller. In the test
position, the switches are used to test the function of the
corresponding overspeed governor. Refer to Chapter 8,
for test procedure. Propeller test circuits are protected by
one 5-ampere circuit breaker placarded PROP GOV.
located on the overhead circuit breaker panel (fig. 2-26).
automatically matches the RPM of the right propeller
(slave propeller) to that of the left propeller (master
propeller) and maintains the blades of one propeller at a
predetermined relative position with the blades of the
other propeller. To prevent the right propeller from losing
excessive RPM if the left propeller is feathered while the
synchrophaser is on, the synchrophaser has a limited
range of control from the manual governor setting.
Normal governor operation is unchanged but the
synchrophaser will continuously monitor propeller RPM
and reset the governor as required. A magnetic pickup
mounted in each propeller overspeed governor and
adjacent to each propeller deice brush block transmits
electric pulses to a transistorized control box installed
forward of the pedestal. The right propeller RPM and
phase will automatically be adjusted to correspond to the
left. To change RPM, adjust both propeller controls at the
same time. This will keep the right governor setting within
the limiting range of the left propeller. If the
synchrophaser is on but is unable to adjust to the right
propeller to match the left, the actuator has reached the
end of its travel. To recenter, turn the switch off,
synchronize the propellers manually, and turn the switch
back on.
Control Box. The control box converts any pulse
rate differences into correction commands, which are
transmitted to a stepping type actuator motor mounted on
the right engine cowl forward support ring. The motor
then trims the right propeller governor through a flexible
shaft and trimmer assembly to exactly match the left
propeller. The trimmer, installed between the governor
control arm and the control cable, screws in or out to
adjust the governor while leaving the control lever setting
constant. A toggle switch installed adjacent to the
synchrophaser turns the system on. With the switch off,
the actuator automatically runs to the center of its range
of travel before stopping to assure normal function when
used again. To operate the system, synchronize the
synchrophaser on. The system is designed for in-flight
operations and is placarded to be off for take-off and
landing. Therefore, with the system on and the landing
gear extended, the master caution lights will illuminate
and a yellow light on the caution/advisory annunciator
panel, PROP SYNC ON, will illuminate.
Synchroscope. The propeller synchroscope,
propellers. If the right propeller is operating at a higher
RPM than the left, the face of the synchroscope, a black
and white cross pattern, spins in a clockwise rotation.
Left, or counterclockwise, rotation indicates a higher RPM
of the left propeller. This instrument aids the pilot in
obtaining complete synchronization of propellers. The
system is protected by a 5-ampere circuit breaker
placarded PROP SYNC, located on the overhead circuit
breaker panel (fig. 2-26).