TM 55-1510-219-10
Reverse Thrust
Obtained by lifting the power levers and moving them aft of the beta range.
Revolutions per minute.
Takeoff Power
The maximum power available from an engine for takeoff, limited to periods of five
minutes duration.
Condition Lever
The fuel shut-off lever actuates a valve in the fuel control unit which controls the
(Fuel Shut-off Lever)
flow of fuel at the fuel control outlet and regulates the idle range from LO to HIGH.
Interstage Turbine
Eight probes wired in parallel indicate the temperature between the compressor and
Temperature (ITT)
power turbines.
N1 Tachometer (Gas
The tachometer registers the RPM of the gas generator with 100% representing a gas
Generator RPM)
generator speed of 37,500 RPM.
Power Lever (Gas
This lever serves to modulate engine power from full reverse thrust to takeoff. The
Generator N1 RPM)
position for idle represents the lowest recommended level of power for flight opera-
Propeller Control
This lever requests the control to maintain RPM at a selected value and, in the max-
Lever (N2 RPM)
imum decrease RPM position, feathers the propeller.
Propeller Governor
This governor will maintain the selected propeller speed requested by the propeller
control lever.
The torquemeter system determines the shaft output torque. Torque values are ob-
tained by tapping into two outlets on the reduction gear case and recording the dif-
ferential pressure from the outlets.
Above ground level.
Best Angle of Climb
The best angle-of-climb speed is the airspeed which delivers the greatest gain of alti-
tude in the shortest possible horizontal distance with gear and flaps up.
Best Rate of Climb
The best rate-of-climb speed is the airspeed which delivers the greatest gain of alti-
tude in the shortest possible time with gear and flaps up.
Clean Configuration
Gear and flaps up regardless of mission antenna installation.
The maximum 90° crosswind component for which adequate control of the aircraft
during takeoff and landing was actually demonstrated during certification tests.
The ratio of the change in height to the horizontal distance, usually expressed in
Landing Weight
The weight of the aircraft at landing touchdown.
Maximum Zero Fuel
Any weight above the value given must be loaded as fuel.
Minimum enroute altitude.
Obstacle Clearance
Obstacle clearance climb speed is a speed near Vx and Vy, 1.1 times power off stall
Climb Speed
speed, or 1.2 times minimum single-engine stall-speed, whichever is higher.
Ramp Weight
The gross weight of the aircraft before engine start. Included is the takeoff weight
plus a fuel allowance for start, taxi, run up and takeoff ground roll to liftoff.