CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-55-1510-219-10_101-11. AIRCRAFT DESIGNATION SYSTEMCHAPTER 2 AIRCRAFT AND SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION - TM-55-1510-219-10_12Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 7)Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 7)Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement (Sheet 3 of 7)Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement (Sheet 4 of 7)Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement (Sheet 5 of 7)Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement (Sheet 6 of 7)Figure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement (Sheet 7 of 7)Figure 2-2. General Interior ArrangementFigure 2-3. Principal Dimensions - TM-55-1510-219-10_21Figure 2-4. Ground Turning Radius - TM-55-1510-219-10_22Figure 2-5. Exhaust and Propeller Danger Areas - TM-55-1510-219-10_23b. Landing Gear Down Position Indicator Lights. Figure 2-6. Subpanels - TM-55-1510-219-10_25f. Landing Gear Warning Horn Test Switch.2-9. ENTRANCE AND EXIT PROVISIONS.Figure 2-7. Cabin and Cargo Doors(1) Opening cargo door.2-11. WINDOWS.Figure 2-9. CockpitFigure 2-10. PT6A-41 Engine (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-10. PT6A-41 Engine (Sheet 2 of 2)Section III. ENGINES AND RELATED SYSTEMS - TM-55-1510-219-10_34Figure 2-11. Pedestal2-20. ENGINE ICE PROTECTION SYSTEMS.2-22. POWER LEVERS2-27. OIL SUPPLY SYSTEM.2-30. ENGINE IGNITION SYSTEM.Section IV. FUEL SYSTEM - TM-55-1510-219-10_40Table 2-2. Fuel Quantity Data - TM-55-1510-219-10_41Figure 2-12. Fuel System SchematicFigure 2-13. Fuel Management Panel and Auxiliary Tank Mechanical GageFigure 2-14. Gravity Feed Fuel FlowFigure 2-15. Crossfeed Fuel Flow - TM-55-1510-219-10_45Table 2-3. Fuel Sump Drain Locations - TM-55-1510-219-10_46Section V. FLIGHT CONTROLS - TM-55-1510-219-10_47Figure 2-16. Control Wheels2-41. TRIM TABS.Figure 2-17. Control LocksSection VI. PROPELLERS - TM-55-1510-219-10_512-45. PROPELLER GOVERNORS.Section VII. UTILITY SYSTEMS - TM-55-1510-219-10_532-52. SURFACE DEICER SYSTEM.2-54. PROPELLER ELECTROTHERMAL ANTI-ICE SYSTEM2-56. PITOT AND STATIC SYSTEM.2-58. FUEL SYSTEM ANTI-ICING - TM-55-1510-219-10_57Figure 2-78. Overhead Control Panel2-61. OXYGEN SYSTEM. - TM-55-1510-219-10_59Figure 2-19. Oxygen System SchematicTable 2-4. Oxygen Flow Planning Rates vs Altitude(4) Oxygen supply pressure gageTable 2-5. Oxygen Duration in Minutes 128 Cubic Foot SystemFigure 2-20. Cylinder Capacity vs Pressure and TemperatureSection VIII. HEATING, VENTILATION, COOLING, AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM - TM-55-1510-219-10_65Figure 2-21. Environmental Systems2-68. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM.2-69. UNPRESSURIZED VENTILATION.a. Heating ModeSection IX. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM - TM-55-1510-219-10_70Figure 2-22. DC Electrical System (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 2-22. DC Electrical System (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 2-22. DC Electrical System (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 2-23. Single Phase AC Electrical System - TM-55-1510-219-10_74Figure 2-23. Single Phase AC Electrical System - TM-55-1510-219-10_75Figure 2-25. Mission Equipment Power SystemFigure 2-26. Overhead Circuit Breaker Panel2-73. AC POWER SUPPLY.Section X. LIGHTING - TM-55-1510-219-10_79Figure 2-27. Exterior Lighting2-76. EMERGENCY LIGHTING.Section XI. FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS - TM-55-1510-219-10_822-85. MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUMENTS.Figure 2-28. Instrument Panel (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-28. Instrument Panel (Sheet 2 of 2)Table 2-6. Annunicator PanelsAnnunicator Panels (Continued)Section XII. SERVICING, PARKING, AND MOORING.2-88. FILLING FUEL TANKSFigure 2-29. Servicing LocationsTable 2-7. Fuel, Lubricants, Specifications and CapacitiesTable 2-8. Approved Fuels (Continued)2-95. SERVICING THE ELECTRIC TOILET.2-96. ANTI-ICING, DEICING AND DEFROSTING PROTECTION.Table 2-10. Recommended Fluid Dilution Chart2-99. GROUND HANDLINGFigure 2-30. Oxygen System Servicing PressureFigure 2-31. Parking, Covers, Ground Handling, & Towing Equipment2-100. INSTALLATION OF PROTECTIVE COVERS.Figure 2-32. Mooring the Aircraft2-102. PARKINGb. The control lockCHAPTER 3 AVIONICS - TM-55-1510-219-10_103Section II. COMMUNICATIONS - TM-55-1510-219-10_104(3) Transmitter select switch Figure 3-1. Audio Control Panel (C-499) (Typical pilot, copilot) - TM-55-1510-219-10_106Figure 3-2. Radio Control PanelFigure 3-3. UHF Control panel (AN/ARC- 164)(5) Volume - Adjust.3-10. VHF-AM COMMUNICATIONS (VHF-20B).Figure 3-4. VHF-AM Control Panel (VHF-20B)Figure 3-5. VHF AM/FM Control Panel (AN/ARC- 186)c. Normal Operation3-12. VOICE SECURITY SYSTEM TSEC/KY-28 (PROVISIONS ONLY)Figure 3-6. Voice Security Control Indicator (C-8157/ARC) (KY-28)b. Controls and Indicators.Figure 3-7.HF Control Panel (718 U-5)3-15. EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER (ELT)Figure 3-8. Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT-10)Section III. NAVIGATION - TM-55-1510-219-10_1203-18. HORIZONTAL SITUATION INDICATORSb. Controls and Indicators - Pilot's HSI.Figure 3-11. Copilot's Horizontal Situation Indicator (331A-6P)3-19. HORIZON REFERENCE INDICATORFigure 3-12. Horizon Reference Indicator (329B-9A)Figure 3-13. Pilot's Turn and Slip Indicator (329T- 1)Figure 3-14. Copilot's Gyro Horizon Indicator (GH-14)3-23. VOR/LOC NAVIGATION SYSTEMFigure 3-15. Dual NAV 1 - NAV 2 Control Panel (VIR-30AGM, VIR-30AG)c. Operation3-24. MARKER BEACONFigure 3-16. ADF Control Panel (DF-203)3-26. TACAN SYSTEMS.Figure 3-17. TACAN Control Panel and Range Indicator (ID-2218)3-27. AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM.b. Controls and Indicators.Figure 3-18. Autopilot Mode Selector Panel (614E-42A)Figure 3-20. Autopilot/Flight Director Annunciator Panel(3) Pedestal extension.(c) Navigation mode.e. Autopilot Operation.f. Takeoff and Climb Out.h. Automatic Approach Front Course.3-28. INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM.Figure 3-22. Mode Selector Unit (C-IV-E)Figure 3-23. INS Control Display Unit (C-IV-E)The INS can provide test signals - TM-55-1510-219-10_147c. INS - Normal Operating Procedures.Passenger or cargo loading 2) (CDU) AUTO/MAN/TEST switch Press and holdTable 3-1. Various Values for UTM Grid Coefficients - TM-55-1510-219-10_151The INS can provide test signals - TM-55-1510-219-10_152Extra precision values (8) To insert magnetic variation. (Only if compass is not operational)(b) Insertion of geographic waypoint coordinates - TM-55-1510-219-10_155(a) Insertion of UTM TACAN station dataUTM data(b) Insertion of geographic TACAN station data - TM-55-1510-219-10_158Altitude inputs - TM-55-1510-219-10_159(12) Designating fly-to-destinations or TACAN(15) Switching from aided to unaided inertial. operation.(n) Geographic present inertial position display(r) Distance to any TACAN station(t) TACAN station data(17) INS updating.(c) Extra precision geographic present position check and update(d) UTM present position check and update(18) Flight course changes.(20) Transient stops.Table 3-2. Malfunction Code Check - TM-55-1510-219-10_170Table 3-3. Malfunction Indications and Procedures (Continued)(e) To determine corrective actionTable 3-5. Malfunction Codes3-29. WEATHER RADAR SET (AN/APN-215).c. Normal Operation. - TM-55-1510-219-10_175(3) Test procedure.Figure 3-25. Transponder Control Panel (AN/APX - 100)c. Transponder - Normal Operation - TM-55-1510-219-10_1783-31. PILOT'S ENCODING ALTIMETERFigure 3-26. Pilot's Encoding AltimeterCHAPTER 4 MISSION EQUIPMENT - TM-55-1510-219-10_181Figure 4-1. Mission Control Panel - TM-55-1510-219-10_182Table 4-2. Mission Control SwitchesFigure 4-2. Chaff/Flare Dispenser Control Panel(8) Ammunition for dispenser. 4-4. SYSTEM DAILY PREFLIGHT/RE-ARM TEST - TM-55-1510-219-10_186MANUAL SYSTEM RESET switchWhen the test set is installed 4-5. AMMUNITIONFigure 4-3. Radar Signal Detecting Set Control Panel (AN/APR-39(V)1Figure 4-4. Radar Signal Detecting Set Control Panel (AN/APR-39(V)2Figure 4-5. Radar Signal Detecting Set Indicator - TM-55-1510-219-10_192Section II. SYSTEM LIMITSFigure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 1 of 3) - TM-55-1510-219-10_194Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 2 of 3) - TM-55-1510-219-10_195Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 3 of 3) - TM-55-1510-219-10_1965-10. FUEL SYSTEM LIMITS.Section III. POWER LIMITS - TM-55-1510-219-10_198Section IV. LOADING LIMITS - TM-55-1510-219-10_199Figure 5-2. Flight Envelope - TM-55-1510-219-10_200Section VI. MANEUVERING LIMITSSECTION VII. ENVIRONMENTAL RESTRICTIONS5-31B. ICING LIMITATIONS (SEVERE)Section VIII. OTHER LIMITATIONS - TM-55-1510-219-10_204Table 5-3. Required Equipment Listing - TM-55-1510-219-10_205Required Equipment Listing -cont - TM-55-1510-219-10_206Required Equipment Listing -cont - TM-55-1510-219-10_207Required Equipment Listing -cont - TM-55-1510-219-10_208Required Equipment Listing -cont - TM-55-1510-219-10_209CHAPTER 6 WEIGHT / BALANCE AND LOADINGFigure 6-1. Aircraft Compartments and Stations - TM-55-1510-219-10_211Section II. WEIGHT AND BALANCETable 6-2. Fuel MomentsTable 6-3. Center of Gravity Moment Table - Moment / 100 Center of Gravity Moment Table - Moment / 100 (Continued) - TM-55-1510-219-10_215 Center of Gravity Moment Table - Moment / 100 (Continued) - TM-55-1510-219-10_216Section III. FUEL/OIL - TM-55-1510-219-10_2176-13. LOADING PROCEDURECHAPTER 7 PERFORMANCE - TM-55-1510-219-10_2197-6. ACCELERATE-STOP (FLAPS 0%)Figure 7-1. Accelerate-Go Flight PathCruise True Airspeeds At FI 2207-10. RESERVE FUEL.DISTANCE between the guide line above and the guide line belowIndex of FiguresIndex of Figures -cont - TM-55-1510-219-10_226Index of Figures -cont - TM-55-1510-219-10_227Figure 7-2. Airspeed Calibration - Normal System - TM-55-1510-219-10_228Figure 7-3. Airspeed Calibration - Alternate SystemFigure 7-4. Altimeter Correction - Normal System - TM-55-1510-219-10_230Figure 7-5. Altimeter Correction - Alternate System - TM-55-1510-219-10_231Figure 7-6. Indicated Outside Air temperature CorrectionFigure 7-7. ISA Conversion - TM-55-1510-219-10_233Figure 7-8. Fahrenheit to Celsius Temperature ConversionFigure 7-9. Take-Off Weight - Flaps 0%, To Achieve Positive One-Engine Inoperative Climb at Lift-OffFigure 7-10. Take-Off Weight - Flaps 40%, To Achieve Positive One-Engine Inoperative Climb at Lift-OffFigure 7-11. Wind ComponentsFigure 7-12. Takeoff Distance - Flaps 0%Figure 7-13. Take-Off Distance - Flaps 40%Figure 7-14. Minimum Take-Off Power at 2000, RPMFigure 7-15. Accelerate-Stop - Flaps 0%Figure 7-16. Accelerate-Stop - Flaps 40Figure 7-17. Accelerate-Go Distance Over 50-Ft Obstacle - Flaps 0%Figure 7-18. Accelerate-Go Distance Over 50-Ft Obstacle - Flaps 40%Figure 7-19. Time, Fuel, and Distance to Cruise ClimbFigure 7-20. Climb - Two Engines - Flaps 0%Figure 7-21. Climb - Two Engines - Flaps 40%Figure 7-22. Take-Off Climb Gradient - One-Engine Inoperative - Flaps 0%Figure 7-23. Take-Off Climb Gradient - One-Engine Inoperative - Flaps 40%Figure 7-24. Climb - One Engine InoperativeFigure 7-25. Climb - Balked LandingFigure 7-26. Service Ceiling - One Engine InoperativeFigure 7-27. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-27. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-28. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-28. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA -20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-29. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA - 10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-29. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-30. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-30. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-31. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA + 10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-31. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA + 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-32. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-32. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-33. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-33. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-34. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-34. Maximum Cruise Power 1900 RPM, ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-35. Maximum Cruise Speeds @ 1900 RPMFigure 7-36. Maximum Cruise Power @ 1900 RPMFigure 7-37. Fuel Flow at Maximum Cruise Power @ 1900 RPM - TM-55-1510-219-10_271Figure 7-38. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-38. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-39. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-39. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA -20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-40. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA - -10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-40. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-41. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-41. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-42. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA + 10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-42. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA + 10 C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-43. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-43. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-44. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-44. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-45. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-45. Maximum Cruise Power One-Engine Inoperative 1900 RPM, ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-46. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-46. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-47. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-47. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA -20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-48. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA - 10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-48. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA - 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-49. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-49. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-50. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA 10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-50. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA + 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-51. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-51. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-52. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-52. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-53. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-53. Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM, ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-54. Maximum Cruise Power @ 1700 RPMFigure 7-55. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA-30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-55. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA-30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-56. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA-200C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-56. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA-20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-57. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA-10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-57. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA- 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-58. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-58. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-59. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA + 10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-59. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA + 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-60. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-60. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-61. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA+30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-61. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA +30 C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-62. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-62. Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-63. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA-30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-63. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA-30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-64. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA-20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-64. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA-20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-65. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA-10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-65. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA- 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-66. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-66. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-67. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA + 10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-67. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA + 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-68. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-68. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA +20 C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-69. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-69. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-70. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA +37C (Sheet I of 2)Figure 7-70. Maximum Endurance Power @ 1700 RPM, ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-71. Range Profile-Maximum Cruise Power @ 1900 RPMFigure 7-72. Range Profile-Maximum Range Power @ 1700 RPMFigure 7-73. Range Profile-542 Gallons Usable FuelFigure 7-74. Endurance Proflie-542 Gallons Usable FuelFigure 7-75. Time, Fuel, and Distance to DescendFigure 7-76. Landing Distance Without Propeller Reversing-Flaps 0%Figure 7-77. Landing Distance Without Propeller Reversing-Flaps 100%Figure 7-78. Landing Distance With Propeller Reversing-Flaps 0%Figure 7-79. Landing Distance With Propeller Reversing-Flaps 100%Figure 7-80. Stopping Distance FactorsCHAPTER 8 NORMAL PROCEDURES - TM-55-1510-219-10_347Figure 8-1. Exterior Inspection - TM-55-1510-219-10_348g. Flow indicator-CheckWAYPOINT SELECTION - TM-55-1510-219-10_35019. Electric elevator trim and autopilot/flight director operation-Check20. Avionics-Check8-8. LEFT WING, AREA 18-11. CENTER SECTION, LEFT SIDE8-14. RIGHT WING CENTER SECTION8-17. RIGHT WING, AREA 38-20. FUSELAGE, LEFT SIDE, AREA 68-23. FIRST ENGINE START (BATTERY START).8-24. SECOND ENGINE START (BATTERY START)8-28. SECOND ENGINE START (GPU START).8-31. ENGINE RUNUP.8-32. BEFORE TAKEOFF8-35. AFTER TAKEOFF8-38. DESCENT8-42. GO-AROUND.Section III. INSTRUMENT FLIGHT - TM-55-1510-219-10_366Section IV. FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS - TM-55-1510-219-10_367Figure 8-2. Stall SpeedsSection V. ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS - TM-55-1510-219-10_3698-55. DESERT OPERATION AND HOT WEATHER OPERATION.8-56. TURBULENCE AND THUNDERSTORM OPERATION8-57. ICE AND RAIN (TYPICAL)8-57A. ICING (SEVERE).Section VI. CREW DUTIES8-59. DEPARTURE BRIEFINGCHAPTER 9 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES - TM-55-1510-219-10_376Figure 9-1. Emergency Exits and Equipment - TM-55-1510-219-10_377d. Engine Malfunction after Liftoff. 9-8. ENGINE SHUTDOWN IN FLIGHT.9-9. ENGINE CLEANUP9-13. LANDING WITH TWO ENGINES IN- OPERATIVEFigure 9-2. Maximum Glide Distance - TM-55-1510-219-10_3839-18. ENGINE BLEED AIR SYSTEM MALFUNCTION9-22. SINGLE-ENGINE BEFORE LANDING(2) Engine fire in flight (fire pull handle light illuminated)9-27. FUEL SYSTEM.9-28. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM EMERGENCIES.9-29. EMERGENCY DESCENT.9-30. LANDING EMERGENCIES.9-31. CRACKED WINDSHIELD.9-33. DITCHINGTable 9-1. Personnel Procedures During DitchingFigure 9-3. Emergency Body PositionsAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-55-1510-219-10_396APPENDIX B ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS - TM-55-1510-219-10_397METEOROLOGICAL TERMINOLOGY - TM-55-1510-219-10_398CONTROL AND INSTRUMENT TERMINOLOGY.WEIGHT AND BALANCE TERMINOLOGY. - TM-55-1510-219-10_400MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS - TM-55-1510-219-10_401