TM 55-1510-215-MTF
Enter log FAT line at value nearest to free air temperature.
Adjust engine N1% to value shown in log N1% line.
Adjust propeller speed of engine in check to 1900 RPM and
stabilize instruments (minimum 30 seconds).
Read ITT from indicator.
Compare indicator ITT with log value shown in line labeled
"Baseline ITT".
Record aircraft or engine hours and difference (±) between
indicated ITT and Baseline ITT in log section provided.
(10) If the ITT difference is 20°C or greater, perform the
following actions:
20°C to 29
C, aircraft may be flown, but an entry shall
be made on DA Form 2408-13.
C or greater, aircraft shall not be flown until the
cause of excessive ITT is determined. An entry shall
be made on DA Form 2408-13.