An auxiliary part of the system is a specially adapted ground loading unit (GLU) composed of a two-cycle
gasoline engine, pump, valve, and associated hoses and fittings, Refer to pages 43 thru 48 for GLU maintenance.
Major Components
Pump Drive
A pump drive is installed on the left side of the tank support structure assembly. Its purpose is to build
up adequate pressure in the spray booms to atomize spray liquid through the nozzles. It is composed of a six (6) bladed
ground adjustable windmill which drives a centrifugal pump. The pump drives fluid through an output pressure hose to
the manual control valve which, when in open position, permits fluid to travel to the center boom tee strainer. It is then
divided and driven into the booms and dispersed.
A manually operated pump brake is provided to hold or free the windmill for operation, as required.
Spray Booms and Nozzles
Two spray booms constructed of hollow extrusions are attached to the center boom section and are
supported by struts and cables, They are each 11.7 feet in length and have provisions for 28 nozzles each for a
maximum total of 56 nozzles per system unless new nozzle holes are tapped.
A boom tee strainer is located in the center boom section and serves to filter large particles that may
clog or inhibit fluid flow through the nozzles (remove and clean),