T.O. 1-1A-9
-TX52 Stress-Relieved by Compressing: Applies to products which are stress-relieved by compressing after solution heat
-TX53 Stress-Relieved by Thermal Treatment.
3-13. The following two digit T temper designations have been assigned for wrought products in all alloys:
-T42 Applies to products solution heat treated by the user which attain mechanical properties different from those of the -T4
-T62 Applies to products solution heat-treated and artificially aged by the user which attain mechanical properties different
from those of the -T6 temper.*
* Exceptions not conforming to these definitions are 4032-T62, 6101-T62, 6062-T62, 6063-T42 and 6463T42.
3-14. For additional information on heat treating aluminum alloys, see paragraph 3-22.
3-15. Chemical composition nominal plus general use data are given in Table 3-4 and nominal mechanical properties at room
temperature are given in Table 3-5. The values cited are general and intended for use as comparisons values. For specific values
the specification for the alloy should be utilized.