TM 10-8415-206-12&P
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Operator's Controls, Description and Use ................................................................................................ 2-2
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services ........................................................................................ 2-6
Operating Under Usual Conditions......................................................................................................... 2-10
Operation of Auxiliary Equipment .......................................................................................................... 2-17
Operation of Night Vision Goggles......................................................................................................... 2-17
Operation of Headset-Microphone ......................................................................................................... 2-17
Operation of Helmet Directed Fire Sub/control System.......................................................................... 2-17
Operation of MBU-1 2/P Oxygen Mask.................................................................................................. 2-17
This chapter provides and illustrates the necessary instructions needed by the operator on the fitting, adjusting
and operation of the flyer's protective helmet. The wearer's safety and comfort depends on the correct
adjustment and fit of the helmet. Proper fit and adjustment assures maximum comfort and stability and
prevents interference with combat efficiency.
Never use the helmet as a stool, or place to stow things.
Do not stow gloves in helmet.
Never carry helmet, using mike boom, cord, nape strap or
chin strap as a handle.
Carry the helmet only in the helmet bag, with the mike
boom pivoted inside the helmet.
When traveling by commercial airlines carry the helmet on
board and stow the helmet in the overhead compartment.
Never stow the helmet in the lower baggage area.
Never leave helmet in closed cockpit or automobile.
Failure of personnel to comply with these procedures may
result in damage to the helmet.
Change 4